
Performances like this are really a testament to Neymar's work ethic on the pitch. The guy's simply been breaking his back out there.

♫ Because he's Corny!
Clap along, even if your white-ass can't keep the beat! ♫
♫ Because he's Corny!
Clap along, if you wouldn't last ten minutes on the street! ♫
♫ Because he's Corny!
Clap along if you know that your coach dances like a creep! ♫
♫ Because he's Corny!
Clap along if you know his PR guy just hit delete! ♫

As a fellow R******* fan, allow me to jump in and offer a tepid defense of these "dull-witted" fans. We like a football team. That's supposed to be a diversionary experience. None of us wants our fandom to become a lightning rod for controversy, we just want to root for our terrible football team and that's it.

I like considering the rehearsals in the week prior to this performance in one of two possible ways; either they are golly-gee-shucks and hand each other really affirming, yet still corrective feedback ("Gosh, Diane, I kind of think you're hitting the pirouette a bit too early, and Sandy, you're a half-note flat for

Is it too late to get rid of the First Amendment?

Yeah. Wrote it one handed.

I can understand why he was so angry. That burning smell? Some kids shoved tennis shoes in his exhaust pipe and he was able to remove the shoes, but he couldn't get the laces out.

I bet some players' wives and girlfriends would appreciate those pink mouthguards.

I think Washington fans are happy if a QB can come out of a series without tearing up a knee or an ankle.

Jeter: Hey, kid, catch.

This is the most notable FSU suspension since when their fans had to suspend disbelief about him being a rapist.

They should suspend him without pay.

He said "culpability". The NFL fucking hates that word.

Wow, so many apologies in a row; it's like he's in the Cal-zone!

Your Server Was Rob.

So now you've sued the only business that needs punters and slammed the only media that follows punters. You're a real fucking genius.

Riley Cooper: [Wipes Off Blackface]