But why couldn’t they shoot the trigger off his gun instead?
But why couldn’t they shoot the trigger off his gun instead?
What about the idea that the state has a monopoly on education and dictates what must and must not be taught?
Bad schools make future Republicans!
Nerd alert.
Seems to me that this would actually be awesome, if only for this reason: It’s bullshit to force a person to join a union, and pay those parasites a fee, just to get a job and earn a living. We don’t live in a fucking Dickens novel where one fat cat owns every company around.
I am about as liberal as they come, i will never support forcing someone to join a union and pay dues instead of negotiating their own deal.
This is a great example of why unions fell out of favor over the 20th century: too often, they cozy up to big business and exist primarily for enriching their leaders at the expense of the workers whom they are supposed to represent.
Florida has nearly 20 million people, of which almost 13 million are registered voters. 4,55 million Republicans, 4,88 million Democrats.
Gary Johnson ... has done his part—to the tune of a historic 4 million votes—to help ensure a Donald Trump presidency.
I voted for Gary Johnson and Bill Weld because I firmly believe we need a third party candidate because the two party system is broken. I voted in hopes the Libertarian party would get the 5% they needed to be recognized as a major party. I wanted real change to the two party system. I’ll take a little odd over…
I voted Gary Johnson. And before you castigate me, Ellie, there was no way I was ever going to vote for Trump or (obviously your girl) Hillary. Quit trying to blame Gary Johnson and his supporters and just look in the mirror.
Stop it. Blaming Gary Johnson is as asinine as blaming Perot for George Bush losing.