
Probably the latter. Is there a version of pissing on your exes to mark your territory? Because that’s what this feels like.

Everyone knows that every couple gets two breakups. The first one they can get back together after, and it’s not a huge deal. After the second, their relationship is done forever.

Who else finds this timing suspicious? JLaw just recently admits that she and Liam hooked up during filming and now Miley flies to Australia?

Greatest music artist/songwriter ever. The. End.

I know that in my neck of the woods, some of the heroin overdoses are happening because the heroin has been cut with fentanyl, making it stronger than the users are expecting. So what is it that makes this Hollywood so lethal, then? Is it cut with a stronger drug like fentanyl?

It’s awful, especially on the South Shore and the Cape. I don’t know a single person here who doesn’t know a story about someone effected by the heorin problem. Lost a cousin to an OD. Seen people narcaned. It’s horrific to watch. And it seems like nothing is helping - just rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship.

It’s like being told you’re not coked up enough to date Charlie Sheen.

“Too boring” is codespeak for “too shrewd to let us exploit the sensationalistic voyeurism of a half naked trans woman in lingerie.”

Even if she was kicked off the show because her life is too “boring” all that means is that her life is NOT a trashy mess. That’s something to be proud of. Many of us (me) wish we could say the same.

I saw one of her 2014 shows. I was close enough to count the toes on her bare feet as she performed on stage.

I don’t know anything about this woman, but good for her. Frankly, she’s better off not being stuck as a cog of the reality television machine. I hope she finds success in her acting gig.

As a person whose biological father is currently serving many many decades in prison for making CP of me when I was between 3-6 years old, I can say... yup, that’s usually the way of it. It’s rarely a kid being kidnapped, but rather usually a relative.

Oh, no, honey. Sometimes violence is the answer. You participate in the production, collection and distribution of kiddie porn, you’re getting a boot to the head. Drag a puppy behind your truck? Boot to the head. Leave an elder to stew in their own waste in a nursing home for five days while you starve them? Two boots

I... was under the impression that you couldn’t be forced to testify against your spouse. Is this wrong?

“voluntarily placed herself in a position of danger and exposure to such injuries and damages.”

I read that the CP he was in possession of was of children under the age of 10/ of prepubescent children. I think this should warrant life in prison. And my truthful opinion- as the mother of a 4 year old little girl- possibly a firing squad.

Being a minor celebrity probably actually contributed to his belief that he can do no wrong.