
Yes, but when he wrote it down, he wrote “Over Promise and Under Deliver”


Happy motherfuckin’ International Women’s Day, friends!

Those Nissan managers are just plain stupid.

Uhhh, no. This is how you get diseases that can mutate and jump from non-human hosts to human hosts when the diseases aren’t supposed to do that. It’s not a case of a guy shooting himself in the head in the bathroom with a gun and only hurting himself. It’s a case of a guy who’s injecting himself with a virus which is

You realize you join the Society of Automotive Engineers. Heck anyone can join. Not like its some award or something. Likewise for the other listed societies. This is the glowing description he wrote about himself. Same exaggeration he used against the Tesla.

So in conclusion, the police (government) had to come in to make sure Bliss (ISP’s) isn’t causing unnecessary slowdowns for his benefit and to the detriment of the public.

Huh, funny how that works.

... where the other ship is namd “Tytanik”.

Also, “[...] He was launching a competing startup called Evelozcity.” Was a child tasked with naming this startup? Let’s count the clichés of modern startup naming conventions:

There are two types of countries in the world: Those that have converted to the metric system, and those that have put 12 men on the moon.

Somebody’s never worked in engineering for a major company...

That said in my experience, the higher ups make the crazy time line demands of the engineers while over promising to customers. Musk over demands while over promising to the world. He’s basically feeding the employees to the wolves... writing checks others

The biggest reason for production delay? Over-promising from the very top.

Especially when you consider how much more expensive it is for death penalty cases.

Top 15 financially responsible transportation appliances.

Yes, they fired him for being an asshole. He’s not suing for breach of contract however because he’s not arguing that he was improperly fired in violation of some employment agreement. He’s arguing that he was fired for an illegal reason, which is above any “at-will” considerations. When suing for employment

Does cat burglery count?

Have you ever tried to do an aerobic activity in leather?

Still a better love story than Twilight.

I can’t actually see anything happening in that video clip... What is going on exactly?