
How long are we thinking it will be before Elon publicly announces that he is switching sides?’s almost as if he straight up asked the oil and gas industry for $1B dollars and promised to squash EV’s in a publicly stated quid pro quo scheme.

Personally i still cant believe they made the CT

They don't get cheaper flights.  It prevents the sites from jumping up the price when you return to it shopping around. It prevents that cookie they drop on you. 

The US is situated about 7500 miles from Iran. Iran has never directly attacked the US. The Shah was not a US “ally”, he was put in place by CIA facilitated coup that overthrew the elected government. He was a murderous ruler who tracked and killed people around the world as well as in his country. He was put in

“You didn’t pay taxes..”

If you can afford those super cars you can afford the taxes.

Funding not secured.

How will they ever continue to produce nothing with less staff?

Diagnosis secured

K. I’ll go comment on an article unrelated to people dying on motorcycles.

I can’t understand taking the risk of riding a motorcycle. I REALLY can’t understand taking the risk of riding a motorcycle when you have a 3 and 6 year old at home. And finally, if you are selfish enough to take those risks, why wouldn’t you have one hell of an insurance policy so that you family doesn’t have to

Us “resist” types are still very much against “the shadowy CIA that topples foreign governments and the FBI that bugged MLK and had blackmail files on almost every semi-famous person on Earth”

Blowhard in chief is good at pontificating but considering all of his “artful” deals (a book written by a ghostwriter who’s later called Trump crazy and full of shit), it’s just hot air coming from his anus-looking deformed golden-spoon mouth, hot hair with consequences just not much else from him. Then again we

The correct repair procedure for this vehicle:

Not for a short. Current limiting devices just shut down and reboot. Imagine something like a self resetting breaker.

No matter which way you lean, politically, it should really scare you to see this trend slowly taking place where businesses kick you out / refuse to serve / ask you to leave because of which party or candidate you support.

I hate Bezos and Amazon so fucking much, just last week I only ordered nine different things.

What is autopilot for?

Tesla screens have a couple of attributes that are not obvious to the casual observer: