did not know that, thanks for the info! Maybe they can not renew contracts with the dealerships as they expire? That way, slowly replacing them?
did not know that, thanks for the info! Maybe they can not renew contracts with the dealerships as they expire? That way, slowly replacing them?
Wasn’t the point of this bill to change that? If this bill passed, couldn’t GM just open it’s own showrooms as well, slowly replacing its dealership network? If there’s a problem, it should be changed.
I work in Detroit as an engineer for the auto industry, and I can tell you, many people here are worried about Tesla after the Model 3 preorder insanity. But more than that, people are extremely worried about all the autonomous vehicle development that’s going on in CA, since that cuts into the ICE vehicle market as…
You forgot to mention Tesla also have a plan for public transport @ the 20:00 min mark.
The charge rate has to be limited in winter depending on the chemistry of the cells. I don’t know if chargers do that though, if not, smarter chargers are needed so the battery can tell the charger to current limit in low temps.
“Progress ain’t easy.”
I haven't commented in months, but that made me laugh enough to do it today :)
Eexactly. They should make it a percentage of the gas price as well, instead of a fixed amount that needs to be changed every 20 years or so.
As we've said before, parents, just buy the damn minivan. You probably think you're too cool to drive a minivan, but you're wrong.
I used to work for a lithium ion battery manufacturer, and we used laser welding. I'm not a mechanical engineer, but I think the heat stays fairly localized when they are welded. Remember, you want to have the least resistance between cells, and welding will help ensure that.
the cells are welded together. once you break the weld, its been compromised significantly.
You forgot to mention the cost of ownership goes down dramatically once you own the car outright, and it will keep going down for as long as you keep the car. So if you buy new, and finance it for 5 years, then keep it for another 5-8 years, your cost of ownership is very low. Maybe not as low as a used car, but you…
This is what I tell other parents all the time. The notion that your life is over by buying a minivan is stupid. Guess what, your a parent now! Get over yourself! A minivan makes life so much easier, you have so much storage space and automatic sliding doors are the best. The seats also much more comfy to sit in.
I confuse the Ford Taurus with Model S all the time.
Time for a caption contest!
You have anger issues.
The ipad isn't meant to be portable like a phone is. Look at the nexus 7 review, it was very good, and that is a 7inch tablet (smaller then the supposed 8inch ipad). Tablets are different then phones.
playing it safe is what gets companies in trouble, look at RIM for example. This isn't coke where you drink it and piss it out after a few hours. This is a phone with tons and tons of features that would rival a modern day PC. If 2 years is their development cycle, they should really bring their revolutionary product…
just get the galaxy nexus, it works on tmobile and att so you can switch and not even sign up for a contract. Its 350 unlocked, which is a great deal esp considering free tethering. In the long run you save money.
made my day!