
The trouble with manned missions back to the moon or on to Mars is that there’s not a lot of business case to it other than “because it’s there”. Whatever research value there is doesn’t actually require people.

Maybe I’ll send my neighbors’ name and address and see if any of their stuff gets fucked up.

True, but I wouldn’t put it past them to do it again.


In Russia, racetracks clean you!

here is perhaps my biggest problem with these type of currencies:

“The only real problem I have is the reliability of access to it. For instance, electricity is hugely required for one to be able to access their currency, what if there was some sort of electromagnetic disaster that wiped out all access to anything that turns on?”

Then the apocalypse has begun and money has no factor in your day to day life... only Zombie killing.

Am I the only one who doesn't care about the Scirocco?

Because who needs visibility?

Salt and the rest I get, but drinking water will kill you? I know I swallowed my toothpaste this morning and am 178 shots short of the espresso mother lode, but that is just bananas.

From what I understand, they expected the Somalian domain name to be a little more bulletproof in the long run. Apparently, it wasn't.

This is a Dodge Charger, a front wheel drive four cylinder Charger.

Why are they so sad?