
Jon Stewart had my favorite Oscar joke of all time, and it was at least partially improvised:

That's not quite the case - They have very high limits, which usually isn't a problem, but the catch is, because of the mid engine layout, when you hit the limit, there's little-to-no-warning. I can vouch for this from personal experience, luckily it cost me a mere control arm, balljoint, bearing, and mag, as opposed

You know how fast they must have been going to do this to a Carrera GT? These cars do not just fold up on impact, even fairly significant ones. They must have been flying.

I support this message.

As a Fresno resident, that was my immediate thought as well. One summer day, hell even a spring or fall day here and bye bye fishies.

roger moore wants his rendering skills back

I know, right? They Navy really had their shit together back in the 40s

or engines...

I'm shocked it made it that far, seeing how it doesn't even have wings.

It's time for another Good Idea, Bad Idea.