Jon Stewart had my favorite Oscar joke of all time, and it was at least partially improvised:
Jon Stewart had my favorite Oscar joke of all time, and it was at least partially improvised:
That's not quite the case - They have very high limits, which usually isn't a problem, but the catch is, because of the mid engine layout, when you hit the limit, there's little-to-no-warning. I can vouch for this from personal experience, luckily it cost me a mere control arm, balljoint, bearing, and mag, as opposed…
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As a Fresno resident, that was my immediate thought as well. One summer day, hell even a spring or fall day here and bye bye fishies.
If you ever had dreams of taking the law into your own hands in Carbon Motors' BMW-powered, purpose-built police…
I know, right? They Navy really had their shit together back in the 40s
or engines...
I'm shocked it made it that far, seeing how it doesn't even have wings.
It took $6.4 billion and 11-and-a-half years to build the new, hopefully earthquake-proof eastern span of the San…