
"And if you think the zipper truck and the medians are all silly business, well then you're silly, "

No matter how ugly that badge is, it won't look nearly as bad as those tail pipes once they are scraped and dented from flogging this truck over the dusties.

Couldn't resist.

To complicate things further, due to Inverse-square law and in consideration of how light travels, it may be possible that what we see may not ever have been what have existed at all. Just a distortion of it.

... Let's not forget to ask Smart Cars about how much of a pain in the ass it is convincing Americans that tiny cars aren't death traps.

...but THEN it has to go through IIHS crash testing...

If only there were things to actually watch in 4k, that'd be great.

"So making beautiful church sanctuaries is a new thing?"

Anybody who's still alive and worked on the development of the P-51 is having an epic face palm moment right about now.

If those structures are two miles high then this spacecraft would roughly be 213 m. x 122 m. x 100 m.

ILM was always one of the best CG houses, and now that they're Disney-fied I'm glad to know they'll be sticking around. It's a tough market out there for the CG industry.

I've never watched any Lord Of The Rings or Hobbit moves, I'm waiting until the very last movie is released so I may watch every one in order. Is this video a spoiler? Should I watch it?

What if the passenger beside you is so obese that the wing part inevitably stabs into his/her lard gut and inevitably decides to eat Soarigami instead?

That's the most spectacular bunch of NOPE I've ever seen!

No problem. That one is the best, you literally have to fold it 3 times and it's built, all parts are in place already. Plus that black satin finish is hard to beat.

It uses the Note 4 for it's screen, are you kidding me? Why not use Google Cardboard & get a nice one from Volvo for free? Admittedly, the selection of phones used for that is limited but at least I won't have to pay $200 for an enclosed visor.

"What Did That Sound At The End Of The Star Wars Teaser Trailer Mean?"

The film may have been perfect, the SFX however were not.

If Indy didn't exist it may have only let the Nazis get to the Ark sooner:

I'd be considered as one of the #youths they are trying to sell to and I think this car is a useless, uninspiring, early depreciating & ugly rolling turd box.