
Yeah, but no lid?

It was quack-sassinated, Kennedy style!!!!

SO MANY DEAD TREES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've eaten sooooo many bacon cheese burgers, if i put that sensor anywhere within the vicinity of my ass that thing will short circuit itself to death.

I have a more appropriate name for Big Dog: Titanium Death Horse Of The Apocalypse. RHex on the other hand, would make for a great pet!

So...Cyberdyne Systems merging with Skynet? Excuse me while I go build a bomb shelter!!!

That's very true. Low costs of goods and innovation is a byproduct of the presence of competition in any given market, at least in theory.

To all those complaining and whining, this is what is called "business" (not to be confused with "corporate greed"). Businesses grow, make more money, hire more people, grow some more. It happens. Deal with it.

...or maybe their dual boot Android/Windows phone?

Ironically, I've noticed that mixed breed dogs are less prone to disease and deformity than purebreds. I think I may have just found out why.

—will make it look "as a rhomboidal shaped aircraft, smaller than the actual airplane" from a distance.

In the 60's they could have set a turkey within 50 - 55 feet of a Saturn V blast off radius and had a well cooked turkey in 35.624 seconds.

My guess is the driver exited that curve on Hercules Street a bit too fast?

Coordinates of where it happened:

Porsches (or mid/rear engine cars in general) are NOT the easiest to control and are the least predictable in handling.

File this article under

Why would it not be logical? Some occurrences in nature are very symmetrical and coordinated, this can be one cause to speculate wouldn't it? With or without some scientific explanation behind it.

I heart LA