
you know what’s even worse than a perfect surveillance state that sees every single crime committed? An imperfect surveillance state that incorrectly thinks it found the criminal.

Wonder Woman was always a hug steaming pile of Chauvinist bullshit. It was a way of saying “look, here’s a strong, empowered woman. Who needs a bunch of fancy gadgets if she wants to ever compete with men. Because women are weaker and less capable, so she can’t just have her own powers, nooooo that just won’t do at

Didn’t she have some kind of magic lasso or some crap like that? I never followed the comics but have vague memories of being forced to suffer through the cartoon on Saturday AM until my older sister quit watching it.

It’s funny how.. even for VOICES it’s almost all white voices.

We’ve all forgotten about those movies now for good reason: they were boring. Robocop and Total recall got demolished on this site by commenters and reviews for being shitty.

the fucking moment it was announced as being cast with women

I don’t remember this uproar over Robocop or Total Recall...

Oh god, this is going to turn into a “hundred people pointing out that I was wrong about something” sort of day, isn’t it.

Though boob plates just make less and less sense to me.

Hey let’s complain about “boob armor” and forget that lorica musculata is real! Also, fuck the comics too, right?

Is any one else skeeved out at the thought of people touching your food this much with their bare hands?

Bland, often with a flavorful filling. You can make them sweet or savory.

As long as things like cheesecake and mousse and tiramisu and strawberry Jell-o exist, I will never want for something sweet to end a meal.

Also, calories are not viewed as a primary staple for nutritional guidance any more.

Or a female main character in a Zelda game.

A protagonists gender matters because the protagonist becomes an extension of the player in a good game. Allowing a female player the opportunity to control a female protagonist is empowering.

So by all means, Nintendo, make a Prince Zelda.

and still has a huge gap in gender equality.

You can’t just slap some bloom, sky blue and bright green on something and call it a day.

This game looks downright beautiful.