what value does a cheerleader bring to the team?
what value does a cheerleader bring to the team?
Just FYI not all cheerleaders are female.
Maybe they just feel that the only explosive Fires in Church should be the fire which burns in your heart for Jesus?
People call it that because you pay a ton of money for not much product. You can get just as good quality or better by shopping around, looking for farmer’s markets or other local operations for example. What Whole Foods focuses on selling is an Image, the actual food itself is incidental.
As an example, an employer can ban audio/video recordings for reasons related to Company secrets, confidential customer information, and things like that. Most call centers and medical billing offices, for example, do not allow recording “on the floor”, so in such a case although the NLRB says “you can record” the…
That’s all true except one minor point. In a Right To Work state, if you choose to not join the Union, then the employer doesn’t have to give you the same “deal” as the union members. For example, if the Union negotiates a base pay rate, time off requirements, sick leave, etc. the employer doesn’t have to offer that…
Right To Work simply means that you cannot be forced to join a Union in order to get the job, and if you don’t join they can’t take Union Dues from your paycheck.
McDonald’s actually wants employee ‘churn’. They’ve figured out how to make it cheaper than keeping people onboard. They find ways to eliminate the need to train workers- it’s called “building intelligence into the system.” For example, instead of teaching a cashier to count change, the Register does it for them.…
“if the union is useless it’s because the rank and file won’t organize.”
There would be a lot of licensing issues, most notably they’d run into problems with the OS as the original system ran on Windows CE. It wouldn’t just be a simple matter of Sega saying “Ok, go ahead.”
I think what most people are missing is that whether the EU were canon or not only really mattered to people who like to argue about what is canon or not. The vast majority of SW fans never even read any of the books, and as far as they were concerned the only canon that mattered was what happened in the movies.
No, you don’t. JJ apparently has taken criticism of his ‘shaky cam’ and ‘lens flares’ to heart.
1. It’s the same music
I don’t know that I would call it cliche, but I certainly agree that it was highly predictable. Especially if you’ve watched the original 3 movies. I think there were a few too many ‘shout-outs’; bits of dialogue or minor plot which seemed to be inserted just to reference the fandom or the original movies, but which…
“The fact that a real answer is generally not expected is pretty stupid [...] What’s the point in having language if the words have no actual meaning.”
YouTube ‘copied’ it from Radio and TV. Radio and TV copied it from Live shows and things like Theater, Circuses, etc.
Sorry, not going to do it. I played it back at launch, stuck with them for 6 months of “it’ll ALL be better next patch, we promise!” and quit completely when they finally admitted they’d have to redo the entire game basically from scratch. I’ve heard that in its current form it’s fairly decent, but other than people…
Brazilian Ju-jitsu.
Well, if we want to get into rampant speculation here and try to come up with a logical answer, then you should consider that the presence of any significant force on Endor was highly secret. The Emperor knew there were spies, as he was funneling information to them intentionally. So you have to consider that he…
Uh, what? THIS is what you people are calling “Toxic”? Holy crap, that’s nothing. Sure, the one player was a little bit of a dick, but even still I doubt I’d even consider it bad enough to make a ‘minor’ report. And spread out over nearly an hour? Give me a break.