This would hold true if your hypothetical grade school cross country meet was of all the best grade school cross country runners in the world. He was last AT THE OLYMPICS. Will you ever be that good at something?
This would hold true if your hypothetical grade school cross country meet was of all the best grade school cross country runners in the world. He was last AT THE OLYMPICS. Will you ever be that good at something?
I’m sorry I couldn’t do for you the thing you could easily have done yourself. Shove a brownie in your face hole and keep my name out of it thereafter.
John Q Schnipper
Wait. Are there two credited authors on this because one wrote the story and needed to ask the other for Misfits quotes?
Can I aspire to be the Misfits Quote desk writer in some press room when I grow up?
See, that’s the nefarious nature of our current situation. They didn’t think, “that’s our guy;” they were sold on him being on team Jesus as opposed to team Baby Murderer/MS-13 Lovers.
That’s someone voted into a district that has been gerrymandered to look like a “T” in order to include as many rural, white South Texans as are needed to counteract the largely Democrat Mexican Americans in Corpus Christi.
If he had said, “¡a la madre!” or even a sublinguistic “ay” or “esa”, you would be correct in calling it brown. There are any number of idioms and exclamations and inflections and dialects that would immediately and accurately point to a black speaker.
Rendezvous? Now I’m through with you.
It was indeed great, but I heard that and couldn’t help but think, “Now that’s some white people shit, right there!”
Form? REPS!!!
Laugh all you want, but if he had an actual time machine, we wouldn’t be so sad today. And Jeb! would probably be president.
The proof-of-concept for this video game is awful. Shitty graphics, too many cut scenes. Good idea, poor execution.
Don’t invest!
Hey, E-Natche... I’ll be your E-Arn Anderson any day of the week.
Wait... who?
1. “Solely” is a big word.
2. Since it’s conjecture and neither of us were there, we can claim it was rejected for whatever reasons we see fit to imagine.
3. It was rejected because aliens.
You can’t say it was strictly for security concerns. You know someone had to be in the ears of the decision makers about how it would look to possible recruits, how it would affect their ability to compete with UT and SEC competition. You have to know there were far more selfish considerations at play.
As far as asinine stupid, “but history...” defenses go, Six Flags had the strongest to lean on. The six flags over Texas are taught as part of Texas History class—required in 7th grade, part of 3rd grad curriculum. As the argument against “derp... history!” goes, no one would fly the flag of a combatant country or…
It warms my heart to see brothers of different races and skin colors embrace.
Clear eyes, (hate)full hearts, can’t lose.
Totally unrelated, but I remember back to his NWO days as when he got roided beyond belief, but I saw an old NWA fight of his from the late 80s, and sweet God this guy was always ridiculous.