
“[...] who at least is warning people that he will slobber over any woman who crosses his path.”

Seriously, he can get a pretty stellar match out of anyone also up to the task, he’s really nice to kids, and he can even play at comedy... but fuck this guy.
Kinda. Not really. I mean, just, fuck him.

He was just looking for a neutral corner after the stoppage.

None of the Barbieland gals let Les Mis join in all their reindeer games. Barbie (tm) is a kind slly, calling off the mean girls who are really MEAN when she’s not around.

It’s entirely reasonable as a defense of someone who does know how hard the game is, particularly when he’s being accused of not knowing by someone who’s just chafing at any criticism levied by anyone

To be fair on one point, the aerosol water... it’s a bit from his HBO comedy special. He mentions the absurdity of the product, says he takes it out and uses it when someone isn’t paying attention to him, then spends a couple minutes (literally) spraying the stuff on his face.

This comment...

Not an upset by any stretch of the imagination, only by definition? K!

C’mon, they’re clearly a Chicago fan, and so the monicker is a nod to CryingJordanButt.

It entered the newsfeed lawfully.

What the hell are you talking about?

If you’ve followed the story, you know the two actors quit when they weren’t given equal pay. They damage spin on CBS’s part is pretty heavy-handed, and the absence of their addressing the fact that they won’t pay the actors equally with their co-stars is glaring. The fact that they’re saying, “Hey, we offered more!”

I have grown used to seeing the backward K for the third strikeout. This at high school and even minor league games.

Ironically, he was the best bookkeeper Shulaya had ever seen.

They gave them to select students in my middle school (very ghetto neighborhood, many middle schoolers got pregnant). It had this weird effect, because the kids selected were clearly sexually active, so they used it as a sign of being cool, and everyone who didn’t get them (or at least I) saw it as counselors saying,

Syxx. He found Syxx pills.

Trump got 58% of an election where only 59.7% of those eligible voted. So he’s offending 34.62% of those who were eligible to vote (not counting those unregistered or felons in states where they can’t vote.

Now Jr. will never be a true Italian great.

He converted.

You forget when they called up local security guard, Belgian immigrant and father of two, JCVD for the save of a lifetime.