Rex looks like a retiree mall walker, and Rob looks like his put-upon husband who supports Rex’s weight loss goals but only insofar as he’ll have a Cinnabun and a cup of coffee in the food court while Rex does his laps.
Rex looks like a retiree mall walker, and Rob looks like his put-upon husband who supports Rex’s weight loss goals but only insofar as he’ll have a Cinnabun and a cup of coffee in the food court while Rex does his laps.
“While the small size of the photograph as published makes the details difficult to discern, [...]”
Jeez, they really know how to kick a guy when he’s down.
A better analog would be a legal smart pill a la *Limitless*.
Is this when it stops being funny? Is it when he dies? I mean, I’m not laughing, but is this the tipping point?
A paper tiger posting a digital retirement announcement... the irony is pure gold.
I’ll bet you a shiny buffalo nickel that he’s got a dusty old set of weights in a corner of his garage that he could use to get his reps in, but I guess he’s one of those people who just writes better at Starbucks.
As someone else mentioned, Diaz’s suspension has been reduced. I think this was a case of King Shit Spokesman getting popped for roids and treated nicely, and King Shithead Painintheballs putting another straw on the camel’s back.
The fighters, in that case, seemed to be judged and punished, not their transgressions.
A professional striker brandishing a piece of steel (or nickel or whatever) to make his blow that much more wreckless and damaging has to be some kind of attempted murder shit if it’s anywhere near the head.
I don’t even believe in Jeebus, but sweet Jeebus!
I went to a rough middle school. The cops there at least knew when to look for drugs on campus and kept themselves tuned into the neighborhood happenings—they knew, before we did sometimes, which kids had recently been jumped in or who was likely to do dumb shit to pose as hard.
Police presence is often needed in…
“Around 4:00 PM? As a teacher, I have to wonder why anyone would ever let some bullshit that was about to be walked away from escalate at all. I mean, kids who start shit in the last minutes of the day are fronting. They are fake-ass posers. ANY middle- or high-schooler knows this.
How are campus cops not taught this…
Oh, what does he know?
Ironic, poor shot placement biting Swaggy-P in the ass.
I bet Yasiel Puig feels pretty damn foolish right about now.
If it was “unscripted,” then they were off script. If the guy isn’t following natural flow of a match, it’s pretty obvious. You’re right, the ref isn’t a real ref. He’s a performer in there with as much responsibility to maintain the show and, even more so, keep the wrestlers safe.
Now the jackbooted activist judges are protecting the sanctity of divorce? Thanks, Obama!
You sure it’s not just sexually-transmitted vertigo?
I always feel obliged to let it be known when I actually laugh out loud. Just laughed out loud.
“We have given each other
Looks like decades of nutritional science is correct. These two shared the same, I’m assuming high-cholesterol, low-fiber, diets for 56 years, and they die on the same day?
Eat yo veggies.
The notion of kids dying as a result of playing a game was one that most Kansans call, "Out there."