
The Heisenberg theory of Immigration.

So create more of a thing that won't exist in 20 years. Gotcha.

“I’ve driven in a lot of different lighting conditions including very often towards the setting sun coming home from work and I don’t think I’ve ever failed to notice the broad-side of a tractor trailer.”

I don’t understand. How could you have never spoken this way your whole life but also have referred to everything as “gay” until 8th grade?

thimerosal has incredibly small amounts or mercury. the dose makes the poison. also, it’s ethyl mercury (non bio-accumulative) not methyl mercury (bio-accumulative). do your research.

Okay, so I want to play devil’s advocate for a moment:

Doesn’t really matter. Say he’s a little baby-faced and it takes him two days and the audition is on Friday but the callback isn’t until a week later or whatever. That’s over a week without shaving at a job that may require a clean shave every day.

Is this specifically formatted to be impossible to read?

Is this specifically formatted to be impossible to read?

Maybe this was done altruistically, to eliminate even the slightest chance of anyone actually being subjected to anything that even resembles the movie. It's just too dangerous.

His movies make SO MUCH money that he was, at one point, the highest paid actor in Hollywood.

Nope. None of us do. You're completely alone.

Preeeetty ashamed of the students at my alma mater for this one.

All the jaunty little feet in that pic make it look like it’s a MUSICAL about stealing jorts!

ONE. He is ONE year older than her eldest son.

Ha, that’s hardly showing their “fair and balanced” side. Taking someone down for not seeing every A-rab country as the greatest threat to our national security ever countenanced?


Maybe have people check a box that acknowledges they may have to sit next to someone of the opposite sex. Plane travel isn't mandatory. If you don't like it, GTFO.

finally! A technology that combines the horrid of nuclear war with the poor safety record of trains!

did you comment on the wrong comment? They said the article was good because she didn't talk about her life. Please try again.