Don't Pee on My Leg

I think there’s a difference between telling someone there’s something wrong with them and keeping it to yourself but feeling creeped out about what they do.

If you’re both grown ups, it shouldn’t be a competition. People have pasts, and those paths include other people. One can care about an ex without being hung up on them.

Bieber looks like what would happen if you crossed Scooby Doo’s Shaggy, a frazzled David Lee Roth impersonator and an ad recruiting patients for a hepatitis drug clinical trial.

I’m shocked. This is my shocked face.

Fergie was in fine form, as usual. She jumped out of the car, laughing and pointing, ran to greet the crowd then stopped to frantically wave at them once she got to the top of the church steps. She seems like the fun Aunt you can only take in small doses. By hour 4 and her sixth martini, you’re ready to get away from

So is this Jezebel’s shit on every famous woman (even the ones helping progressives) week?  First Taylor Swift, now Michelle Obama. This feels like complaining just for the sake of complaining at this point.  

Yeah but here’s my deal. I don’t think Bush was ever actually evil and out to fuck us all like the current president. You might not have liked his tenure, etc, but most of his “decisions” were either not made by him, or were based on bad info from other people. He doesn’t seem like the bad guy during that

They are wild animals. Maybe she kept it as a pet but squirrels are not domesticated animals.

Look, reasonable people can disagree on the extent to which emotional support pets are acceptable in various public settings, but shouldn’t we all be able to agree that wild animals are not appropriate emotional support pets? They are wild animals. Animals with thousands of years of history of domestication, okay.

“but is this a safe space to talk about many of them wreak havoc on flights?”

Ahhh I feel so sorry for the friend! Imagine the horror of realising you actually stabbed your friend! I’m just relieved her natural instinct was to stab his arm, and not plunge it into his gut, throat, chest etc.

NOPE. Nope nope nope nope nope. Maybe because I was raised in a family withsensitivities” running through the generations, but I never used a Oujia board or held a seance. My mom always said you never know who you’re inviting in or whether they’ll listen when you tell them to leave. She spoke the truth!

When my husband and I got engaged, I was living with a roommate. To save money for the wedding, rather than re-upping my lease, I moved back into my childhood home. This meant my parents and grandparents (who lived there) were always keeping an eye out to be sure we weren’t fornicating.

So, being creative, young

If there’s one lie I think everyone should be allowed to tell, it’s that they’re not pregnant when they are. It's nobody’s business except the couple’s.

Cardi isn’t managing her money well but nouveau riche is the dumbest insult. People are supposed to be ashamed for earning instead of inheriting their money? Wish that shit had died with Louis XVI

My mother worked for a recovery place, over time she noticed that most people in AA tell the exact same story each time, and they get antsy and have nervous sweats when they can’t make it to a meeting. They replace one addiction for another, but at least the addiction to AA is less destructive. This is kinda the same

My MIL is a social worker and I remember her telling me that a lot of former addicts get really into fitness because it gives them something to focus their energy on, essentially.

Not only does cutting out booze dramatically reduce your caloric intake, you suddenly have to find something to do to distract yourself. Pumping iron seems healthier than commenting on the internet...