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I don't think most people would agree with you on the original Sierra RS Cosworth, and first two Focus RSs, being 'failures'. And having driven a MazdaSpeed 3 does not qualify you to comment on how well a Focus RS drives.

No, it wasn't. For one thing, it had around two hundred horsepower. For another, it was RWD. The RS badge has been on more 2WD cars than it has AWD.

Precisely! If Ford want to put out an AWD Focus, they'll probably put a new badge on it; when attached to a Focus, the RS badge has always symbolised conventional, FWD hot hatch lunacy.

Linwood, in Scotland. It was another example of a Government forcing a car company to locate where they didn't want to be, and a series of management and political errors which doomed it to decline and eventual failure.

Supply and demand would argue that this is a problem for SF not because it's a shithole, but a very popular place that people are willing to pay an awful lot to live in. It is the more rural areas with large lots and low costs of living that are, economically speaking, unpopular shitholes that people choose out of

At least my opinions, as fucked up as they might be, aren't along the lines of, "This has nothing to do with me ... HURR DURR"

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Top Gear USA Coupe De'ville Jump. Start at 4:30 for the Cadillac's run.

If you're going to spend that kind of coin, why not get something like this?

First they came for the cockfighters, and I did not fight back - for I was not a cock.
Then they came for the ratbaiters, and I did not fight back - for I was not a rat.
Then they came for the dogfighters, and I did not fight back - for I was not a dog.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to fight for me.

A luggage compartment that doubles as a gas tank? Weird.

I have nothing to add. Just saying that I'm very excited for these answers.


This is gonna sound crazy, but what if you somehow managed to fit the engine from that into the little fiat?

"There's no replacement for displacement"

Actually, I get the cat to chase the laser pointer around the dusty areas, then hose down the cat. :-)

See, this is why spell checker doesn't always work. You misspelled "awesome" as "ridiculous" and the checker didn't pick it up.

Oh look its a Brit version of the 2002 ish Thunderbird. But the lights are cool.

Panther owners. They drive some of the slowest, ugliest, heaviest, most outdated vehicles on the road but constantly feel the need to let everyone know how "great" they are.