
Add an inability to maintain a consistent speed to lane integrity. I pass someone with cruise set to 70 and then 5 miles later they pass me back and then 5 miles after that I’m stuck side by side with them because they’re 68-72 and everyone behind us gets frustrated and I don’t particularly want to speed too fast but

Poor lane integrity is a big one for me. Not keeping in lane on the highway, or more often than not ending up in the incorrect lane after a left or right turn. (We all do the latter, but not 100% of the time)

When you’re coming up on someone on the highway, and they’re too afraid to use cruise control, and instead of being steady with their foot, their speed fluctuates between 65-85, and I’m forced to pass you 6 times because every time I pass you, you speed up top 85 and then pass me and then slow down to 65, or I’m stuck

Counterpoint: Ohio License plate.

And honestly, I’m okay with them skipping over all that and just getting to the good bit. We KNOW she’s good enough to pull it off. :)

It’s a legend within the books. The legend of the Rat Cook, it comes up many times...

It might be more collectable if it hadn’t been beat so severely with the ugly stick! Different ain’t always better or good . . . .

What an entitled piece of shit.

Pick-your-part junkyard tesla? NOW we can say Tesla is mainstream legit.

Yes. Plus the Seicento is a much older design.

There’s no more rear legroom, these cars almost always have the same wheelbase for both body styles. Also, I don’t get the security argument. Why can’t someone just break in, then hit the release button?

Buying a giant SUV to carry a 10 pound baby is the American way.

Frankly, I doubt you can get a typical scissors jack to pick up a truck that’s got a thousand pounds of anything in the back anyway. You’re emptying it all out onto the side of the road either way you cut it.

For some weird reason, my father told me that if you cut off your belly button, your butt would fall off. This fucking fascinated me, and I would spent way too much time thinking about what the inner workings of the human body could possibly be to make sure a thing happen.

If you think getting along with your wife of a quarter century is being pussy whipped, you're a shitty husband.

Dude shouting was more disturbing than the woman’s driving.

Then missed the latter half of what happened and was encouraging a police officer to shoot someone. lol.

I thought Lutz’s Destino did a better job by removing the weirder features while still maintaining the overall feel of the styling.

I recall reading somewhere, maybe around the time that the movie came out, that for some shots Frankenheimer used cars with right-side steering wheels and put fake steering wheels on the other side so the actors could pretend they were dri

Timeless like a broken clock?