God, I saw this hot garbage before a youtube video last night. I stayed for Bryan Cranston (whom I hoped has being paid bags of money) but it looks horrifyingly bad.
And this ladies, and gentlemen, is why you absolutely must A) Vote, and B) know what your fucking voting for.
I said that after I saw him in the trailer for God’s Not Dead. I think he was playing a strawman liberal/atheist professor.
There’s a Cactus on manufacturer plates in Metro Detroit I see tooling around sometimes. First time I saw it I did a double take and the wife wondered what the hell was wrong with me.
That’s it. You’re my new hero dammit.
Is that an exercise mat you’re using to stand on? I’d definitely recommend an anti-fatigue floor mat instead. You shouldn’t have to wear shoes if you have one either.
HA! Nice Dad joke!
It would make sense, otherwise she’s leaving a trail of faceless corpses in her wake.
Oh, cool, thanks! And yeah, giving THAT kind of cold hard revenge to Arya brings it to a whole new level.
Explain this ‘pie bit’
Seriously. It looks like it would take the wooden spoon at a regional SEMA event.
But if its a legal requirement that’s kinda a moot point.
Seriously! The front wheels are bigger at the front even!
Can someone explain to me the point of offsetting front plates when there’s plenty of room in the center?
Anyone know that number in The Producers where one of them goes out to schmooze every old lady in New York for capital for their new play? That’s Sergio with EVERY middle-aged bro in the Midwest who just heard there’s going to be a power soft-top on the next Wrangler.
Hell I live in Michigan and this kind of thing makes me mad when people do it here. The business park my office is contained in waters the grass verges around the parking lot. For why FFS?!
I mostly agree with this! I met my wife backpacking in Europe, and it’s how we spent most of our vacations while we lived in Scotland. Our last backpacking trip on 2014, which took us through the Greek Isles, Catalonia, and Southern France, was amazing, and while trains and buses got us practically everywhere we…