
OH, I just remembered this one: The time my Dad bought a dehydrated sponge, told us kids it was ‘space food’, and that we just had to apply water and it would taste like hamburger. We took turns gnawing on a wet sponge for ten minutes and commenting that ‘it doesn’t really taste of anything’.

YES. I think I inherited my father’s poker-face ability to lie convincingly, and maybe only want kids so I make shit up that they’ll believe wholeheartedly. My wife has grown to distrust any outlandish thing I tell her...

Growing up on a farm, we had 2 closed-cab tractors,which had pop-up sunroof panels. My Dad warned me never to touch the sunroof controls, or the lever below the seat, as they controlled the ejector-seat mechanism. In case the tractor, all 10-feet tall of it, ever sank in mud. And I believed my poker-faced Dad, for

It’ll still be a really great driver’s car? Everyone will move on with their lives as they all know that BMW still have incredibly talented engineers and marketing slogans are basically meaningless?

I wanna like the new Spider, I really do, but the styling really doesn’t work for me. I can’t put my finger on why though.

So I guess we can all look forward to being cut off by these things while their driver’s are too busy checking facebook on their gold Apple Watches?

‘Today is the inevitable “Back to the Future Day,” which is a real holiday much like Boss’s Day is a real holiday, in that it isn’t.’

The Black Cab might be a London stereotype, but this is going to in every town and city in the entire UK in a couple of years.

Well this is a wonderfully familiar story. I moved from Scotland to Michigan and about this time last year my family came for a visit. It was something like 400 GBP cheaper to fly into Toronto rather than Detroit so that’s what they all did. Except everyone was flying in and out at different times. My Mum hired a full

I think you’re jumping to far too many conclusions when we know very little about what actually occurred. The internet may enable us to speculate wildly on very little information but that doesn’t mean we should.

Have you ever moved to another country? It’s a monumentally huge decision that cannot possibly be taken a lightly as the glib shit you just wrote.

Did they also break out the calipers and measure the distance between the subjects eyes? Well known proof for a nutter that one!

Right? I always thought the mustache grill upset the otherwise rather elegant lines

Yeahyeahyeahyeah... But what about the REAL burning question everyone wants to know... How big is the frunk and can Torch nestle in there like a hibernating bear?

Yeah, my SiL has either an 07 or 08 Clubman around 150k and it has been a problem child for the last couple of years. It was great while it was still under warranty, but she kept it longer than she should’ve and now that she’s sunk so much money into keeping it in working order it isn’t practical for her to get rid of

Is it? From day 1, BMW has always positioned the new Mini as an aspirational car. This is just a further evolution of the Mini brand.

Yeah, I’d agree. The one where the dude from the Ordinary Boys walked off the show because they were reading from his ditzy girlfriend’s autobiography verbatim and they grabbed a random guy from the audience to replace had me on the floor laughing.

Did you ever see her earlier appearance on Buzzcocks, back when Mark Lamar was still hosting? She was a completely different person.

Bwahahaha, what? POTUS turns up wherever he goes in the world with a whole damn FLEET of American cars, but when the Argentinian Pope, who’s from Argentina, and visiting not from Italy, but from the Vatican, comes to the US with a single Italian car, that’s a disgrace? Yes, you got it in one there mate.