
He won’t be a mariner for much longer. The court of public opinion doesn’t fuck around in Seattle.

80k for a PSL? Looks like you can get CTE from just watching the NFL.

If the lone wolf attackers organized into jurisdictional forces, were tasked by the government to protect and serve the population within that jurisdiction, were paid salaries with our tax dollars, formed incredibly powerful unions, went back in time to establish decades of oppression-based tactics, then came back to

*picture not from Charlotte, but point still stands

Wow. And to think I’ve erroneously called it ‘Cleveland’ for years.

To be fair, market research determined 90% of the crowd would leave after the 2nd quarter to beat the traffic, so they stocked up accordingly.

Fuck your fantasy team!

If it’s a Harambe joke, then every single one of you should be forced to to become Peter Thiel’s bloodbags.

"The Deadspin Brick" should be the name for Piggy Poop Balls massive poop on his balls.

It depends. What does Martellus Bennett look like?

K, what should we post about instead today?

Top 8 reasons white, middle-aged Panthers fans don’t like Cam Newton:

It means that everyone knows Boston has a unique history of racism among Northern cities and that Bostonians, consistently for decades, have engaged in overt and covert acts of bigotry unknown in such upstanding cities as Chicago and Philadelphia.

You could trot out Harmon Killebrew, Kirby Puckett, and Rod Carew and their war crime of a pitching staff would still sink them.

And best of luck to your mom.

If CBS values my opinion so much why isn't Kevin James buried neck deep in hippo shit right now?

Look up DIY electrolysis.

You are an ungreyed Deadspin commenter and you think cursing makes the writers sound ignorant? You are truly the white whale.

How sweet, HamNo brought his grandmother over from Gawker too!

In what way are money managers and stock pickers not a bunch of motherfuckers?