
Hey white people , if you could stop shoe-horning MLK into every fucking bad political take you have that’d be great, m’kay?

Schumer shared a (obviously old) video clip of Martin Luther King Jr.

“Got a gun that my granddad gave me / They say one day they’re gonna round up / Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck”

Don’t most Dairy Queens these days also server burgers and chicken? All the ones around here do.

I’ll be there for youuuu...

The Baha Men.

Who let thems out?

Well no one told them life could end this way...

He had an interview where he was asked when he would stop wearing the clocks. He seemed quite contemplative in the moment, as if the question had been weighing on him for years. He sighed resignation, and with earnest eyes, told the reporter, “When the time is right.”

He’s dangerous only if he can get a bunch of dumb fellow pols and gullible voters to support his bullshit no matter how extreme it is and how much it will hurt people they actually know and...

You think civilians can force a large terrorist group to act how they want just on a whim?

I was just watching the Two Face origin episode of Batman TAS a few nights ago. The way he differentiated between Harvey Dent and then Two Face (and then Two Face channeling Dent when speaking to his fiancée) is truly incredible. Growing up I always thought it was two different actors.

Why are you saying “Palestine” when you mean “Hamas”? The two are not the same. You conflating them is what makes it sounds like you’re blaming innocent civilians and even babies.

Their cruelty is a feature not a bug.

that’s a pretty big generalization. Israel’s government? Absolutely, they’re doing awful stuff to civilians that should not be happening. “The jewish people”? no group of people is monolithic in thought and motivation based on one identifying factor

Ah, yes, because everyone else has the same defective gullet as you. 

I won’t pay restaurant prices for dried pasta unless there’s no other option. All I can think about is how much cheaper I could make it myself (and make it well, and I make good sauces).

Tom is grooming Timmy for when it comes time to implant his brain into Timmy’s younger body. Hail, Xenu for granting your servant a vessel of flesh for eternal life!

No not that guy, he will just say something racist

This. People really underestimate the impact of conditions on how much range you get. On the coldest days of Chicago winter, my car gets about 1/2 the miles on a charge as it normally does. Previous owner said he got 1/3 in one winter storm driving through mountains. Also battery degradation is a thing. That being