
The capitol of contrarianism and confederacy; South Carolina! I wonder how many residents of those states will continues to deny climate change until they are underwater, flying in the air in a funnel cloud, or buried under their precious house?

Yes! Here we go! Watching the world burn, drown, shrivel up and starve for the Bottom Line.

Nothing lasts forever. 127 years is a good run.

Shit looks dry as hell. No au jus? Pass.

But-but, mah freedums! But in seriousness, if it keeps a veteran from shooting up the place when they “freak out” fine by me. I don’t need a reenactment of the mountains of Afghanistan, if a 2x4 drops in the Home Depot.

But then how will then have enough money to fund politicians?

That’s one way to defund the church.

There was research, development and a lab involved. A fruit that turns black to let you know its ripe sounds like its genetically modified. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe. Also plant husbandry and GMO are two different things. Also conventional cross plant breeding is NOT GMO. When you splice a plant, you’re not

Have you not seen his act?

They’re tiny so they fit into the TV.

So instead of eating and buying Narcocados, you’ll be paying twice as much to keep up with TikTiok for the locally grown GMO fruit.

What, you don’t like smelling dog farts while you eat? You don’t like a dog begging for food and nuzzling your crotch while on a date? You must not be American. Americans LOVE pets. More than children and spouses and sense.

Of course she inserted herself. Stars and their egos.
And comparing one’s self to Jesus? LOL! Rich people always on one.

The youngest of the RHONY housewives—even though she’s not married...

The Karen responds, “Yea, well Lester Holt did ‘whiteface’ and nobody said shit.”

Someone needs to check their receipts, harddrives and crypto transactions. Guaranteed they trace back to illegal blacksites and darkweb vices.

Indeed. Their soapbox is their vice.

It is Nebraska. Those who detest seasoning and flavor, like to conserve old things and ways.

Says the guy who recycles lyrics, samples other’s music and uses autotune.

Any good dog mods?