
Like most American women she tastes like Labrador sweat, salty tears, high-fructose corn syrup, and zinfandel.

“But no, torturing teenagers and burning books is enough.”

Pete was also a naval officer - like DeSantis - but somehow that doesn’t matter when you’re The Gay.

I had a cool teacher. He invited only his best student to his house - with their parents - and we had pizza and soda. Like a normal person.

Then you check their hard drive and find out their soap box is also their vice...

The universe is electric. Humans are just understanding this. Spiders use electricity to “fly” on webs as well.

Lord of the Rings orc, looking inbred piece of shit.

Killing someone at 14 is some shit to take on mentally.

“Shithole countries” are looking more and more promising every day. So much for civilized society.

If you were stupid enough to use a real email and actual personal data on Elon Musk’s AI. Then that’s on you.


I think Americans are turning into humming birds.

The people want holograms. Not goggles.

To all the infected gente in MExico:

This has less to do with “the kids” and more to do with social media being the bane of the GOP during elections. If they can limit factual information, they will.

I don’t even understand how a telescope sees ions at several thousand light years away. If only there were a telescope for human biology. ;P

Cold would drain that battery faster I would guess. Also you can’t annoy your neighbors with revving at 2am.

And truck nuts, Storm Trooper stickers, and AM radio listeners.

Maybe those numbers also include stores running the same game over and over again as a demo?

Maybe it’s like those people back in the 70's and 80's who only played that one pinball machine or cabinet game because they want to be the best at that ONE game? Could competitive players be skewing the numbers?