“What eventually happened—I got this call, “She’s dying,” in this weird little town on a farm that she lived on in Southwestern France, she’s basically French at this point, she spent her life there.”
A lot of people suffer from Suckerphobia so much so that they think there is a plot around every corner. This leads to wild conspiracy theories, complete distrust of society and anti-social behavior like accusations and aggressive outbursts.
You’re right, bullets are cheaper than phones. LOL!
So basically The Hallmark Channel. Those “movies” are just one long, bad commercial for Christmas and Valentines Day.
“I suspect that he was trying to pull off the stunt where you throw your phone to a performer in video capture mod”
I guess the luxury dog sector pays well enough?
You’d think with her giant head, she’d have some brains in there.
Carl’s Jr.’s fried items tastes funny. Is it sunflower oil?
Sorry Nick, all skin folk ain’t kin folk. No one wants the US feds up in their country.
LOL My pen name is GoodNight Shamalamadindong
Exactly. If you hate chattel slavery and its debilitating effects on society, then you celebrate its end.
Welp, there goes this year’s funding all in one lawsuit.