
Florida is basically a Pieter Bregel painting come to life.

And their faithful Trad Wives will meekly acquiesce so they can get a new tennis bracelet and in ground-pool. Yeehaw! ‘Murica!

The ol’ “Banana Peel On The Stairs” trick works every time.

I don’t hug strangers either.

Shout out to all the dads who waited for this one day a year to eat something other than goulash and lemon chicken for dinner. LOL!

So are the legs of people who subsist on McDonald’s.

Bloody mingled seed to be exact. The perfect sacrament for our dark lord G’Rym’Az!

Probably not that expensive but pricey. Look at the house they expect you to own. They have already chosen their target demographic.

Corporations these days are usually run by man-children with too much money.

Why? He compare them to Mickey Rooney?That’s the last straw. Now you die!” LMFAO!

WTF? Gary Cooper? Did that critic die soon after writing that scathing review at the ripe old age of 105? LOL!


He has Nearlimen’s Disorder.

I hear that an actor receiving a bad review is like accidentally seeing your mother in the shower.

Would be kind of cool to have a kitchen assistant like in Fallout. Just don’t make it nuclear powered. I don’t need my hair and nails sloughing off into my dinner.

American life is comodified and made a fad, thus things will come and go as the disposable fads they are. Ideas, people, Instant Pots.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

...and Confederates and Klansmen and MAGAts and FOX News Pundits and Bill Maher and Proud Boyz and Oath Keepers and those attempting a coup...

“I know, I know, unless it goes into defense and thus into their pockets”