
But they are actually living in those homes. Would you rather some foreign investors buy them and have no one live in them? Because that’s the state of housing in the US.

You can usually get a better rate if you buy more than one house.

Ho’s love private library’s.

He doesn’t understand that crime is population based and that the more of a people the more crime from those people. White people commit more crime because there are more Whites than anyone else in this country.

That’s juts good ol’ fashioned American fun. Yee haw! Don’t be a killjoy.

Sounds like the Wild West never was tamed. Yee haw! LOL!

“Barnes, who plans to pursue a dual degree in computer science and criminal justice,...”

Smart move. Cybersecurity is just going to be an increasingly necessary field. The world won’t ever run out of cyber scammers and hackers. We’ll need forensic scientists to track them down. Looking at you crypto bros!

*Laughs in Ken Burns*

“I won’t pay you, but I’ll expose myself to you!” - Harvey Weinstein

“...ownership has gotten a whole lot more interesting. To date, Diddy, Tyler Perry, and Byron Allen have all inquired about potentially purchasing BET.”

Byron Allen. The hardest working, most obscure producer in television.
Everyone knows his name but no one knows what he does. He and Tavis Smiley. Keep on, keeping

Something wrong with people when tacos are being made the villain.

Tim Scott is:

CNN’s business model and Lemon’s behavior are two different things. Republican or not, working with someone who is haranguing you daily is usually against any work policy.

Try the Wendy’s in Redneckshire. I hear you can even get a free large fry when you wear a mullet and ripped jean shorts.

Pizza from a vending machine? How low can you go?
“Lower that bar some more and hold my light beer.” - Society

FYI don’t look up “Jersey Bears”.

NYT picked up a pic of Sen. Cruz on this vacation.

Gaetz is a Drag King. Just ask Nestor.

If only they’d switch places...

And the dude that filmed it. Fuck him too.