
Duck Hunt™
Hunter - Armie Hammer
Dog - Alec Baldwin
Duck - Gwyneth Paltrow

If your child is missing it’s probably because a republican is trying to marry them.

And Donald was a better Seaman than DeSantis. Donald never took part in torture.

“When you wish upon a law/
You are just grasping at straws/
There is nothing you can really do/
About your government screwing you/”

“Sure nuff’” - Floridian who stopped eating a face to answer the question.

So basically we’re just waiting for them to emerge from their cocoon of special interest groups, pandering to the right and sitting on the center of the fence before they actually kick butt?

GenZ voters who were raised by conservatives? Americans tend to vote Republican more than anything else and it’s increasing every year.

I was always wondering how we get to Demolition Man virtual sex.

But that’s good suicide. Not that bad suicide where people become so overwhelmed by the hell hole created by Chrisian Fundamentalists they want nothing other than to leave this world!” - GOP

Ovum are dormant and do not move.

Conservatives are winning the long game.

How else o you protect your pale skin?

The only Mexican anyone should be concerned about.

“Aha! See? Even Democrats have mass shootings! There’s nothing that can be done!” - GOP and majority Republican Kentucky legislation

It’s a British thing.

I mean her team knew that’s like trying to turn a typical AVClub commenter into a supermodel instead of focusing on their strengths of professional eating and drinking their feelings. Why focus on what could be when you can do what you’re good at?

No one wants to do Ted Nugent - not willingly.


LOL! Legalism can really explain away a lot of foul shit.

This is the guy who exploited his own daughter in a music video, so this tracks.