
My simple human dish rack 🤩🤩

My simple human dish rack 🤩🤩

Just like the PS Classic, if someone can hack it so I can easily load any rom I want, I’ll buy it.

It’s super easy to convince my teenage son that asinine childish bullying is bad and you’ll get in trouble for it when he has such amazing role models in the highest positions in society.

Yes, because the problem of Seattle homelessness is the responsibility of Amazon to solve.

Don’t look it at so much like Tetris, but an awesome audio/visual experience (which it totally is).

I have a hard time understanding the Amazon-Seattle relationship. Seattle is by and large one of the most liberal cities in the country. And yet, they tolerate Bezos’ bullshit constantly. I know...they don’t want to piss him off and watch him pack up his shit and move somewhere else. But some point, Seattle…

My rowboat can turn on a dime, yet the Titanic couldn’t turn to avoid a huge iceburg? Liberal boat captain WANTED to sink!

He’ll say it. Give him a little time.

Lets face it, the Uber rich are an easy target and not one of them will get on TV and just say “I deserve my success...I’ve made many, many people multi-millionaires who were willing to invest their time or money in something risky, not to mention where were you when I had nothing? since every dime i’ve borrowed or…

It’s not like they’ll die if they eat a piece of bacon.

Not denying that it is their choice, but the word choice is fine. One “cannot” be a vegan and eat meat. Simple fact. There’s no other word to use there. It’s not about choice it’s about the definition of “vegan”. Regardless of their choice, it’s still OK to say vegans “can’t” eat meat, because their doing so would…



“Amazon Delivery Centers Hates This Simple Security Flaw”

“no one could have predicted this ingenious break-in technique!”

They didn’t even manage to gain a slimmer bezel in that trade.

“best smart not a smart speaker!”

It’s “global” warming, you fucking genius.

I personally had a totally opposite experience with this episode and feel it’s one of the best of Trek ever. Out of any series.

I really don’t understand what the big goddamn deal about having to use your phone for voice chat, setting up matches, etc., is. Everyone has their phone all the time. That’s why Nintendo did it this way. And voice chat is what it’s for! Why is it such a big fucking hassle for everyone to use it for this?? It…