
Isn't solid-state memory already magnet-proof?

"When was the last time you really loved a mouse?"

It records everything that comes in over your aerial; which is around 60 channels in the UK. From there, you can choose to keep recorded programmes (sic).


Pretty soon, all DNS requests will go through the FBI.

You can draw squares in MSPaint just by holding down SHIFT while dragging.


I totally saw goatse in that picture.

I think that closing and reopening tabs on the desktop helps, too. It's definitely not instantaneous, though.

Go to the Wrench on your desktop Chrome and make sure you're signed in. Then go to Options > Personal Stuff > Advanced and make sure that the appropriate boxes are checked.

I just loaded my synced Gizmodo tab on my phone, and it brings up the mobile site.

I just got this running on my Epic 4G running CM9, and it flies. The interface, just like the desktop version, is slick and stays out of your way. Feels like we're on the precipice of an awesome new browser, just like when the original Chrome came out in 2008.

As a vegetarian, I wonder if this is real bacon, or bacon flavored like Bac*O's?

Totally clicked on this article looking for "Massive Super Orgasms"

I earned "Voices Beyond the Grave" when I got a message from my HR manager that they're letting 20 people go, and they'd leave the list under my keyboard to terminate those people at 9AM sharp.

I think they were getting their movies mixed up.

Here you go.

If you run DD-WRT or OpenWRT on your home router, you can use this utility to get info and control your router: []

Edit: I've said nothing here that adds to the conversation.