
Go to any wireless phone carrier store with demo phones available to play with

That Logitech Harmony is a really decent remote, but it will only work with upto 5 devices.

Your mom was pretty leet to have XP in 1999!

I swear I've seen transparent LCD displays in high-tech Casino slot machines before.

Or my broken images!

I'll never give up my toolbars!

With all the gadgets and gizmos I have to bring with me when I travel, I've reduced my baggage by making sure everything I travel with can be charged via USB, and then bringing the USB charger that came with my original Nook (which is the tiniest USB charger I've ever seen). Not having to bring a separate brick for

more happy.

dammit gizmodo, you've made me sad, so now I need pictures of happy animals.

This is exciting news.

This is obligatory, but it needs to be said...

Insinuating that other people would rather not "take some personal responsibility" is the exact opposite of what's going on here; If enough people are aware of this obvious double-dipping price gouging, then maybe carriers would be compelled to change this practice.

This whole "It's okay to screw customers because they signed a contract" attitude is part of the problem.

It really sucks that we have to lie to our phone companies to prevent them from double-dipping while charging for a block of data. We pay for it, who gives them the right to tell us how to use it?

Yoshi's Cookie was on the NES, but really I just wanted to incorporate the old school NES controller.

Hey, Gawker, would it kill ya to add a "preview" button?

OO! Tattoo thread?

Finally a smartphone for my tiny, tiny hands...
