
I wonder what ChromeOS fragmentation is going to look like in the netbook realm?

@OddManOut: You can buy large amounts of Mentos and Diet Coke at just about any Duty Free shop on the other side of the security gate.

I just gasm'd

@EDFACTOR: Agreed, and I noticed that there were some color artifacts in places (though, to be fair, those COULD have been Youtube's HD encoding, though i doubt it.)


With all due respect John, I am the head of IT and I have it on good authority. If you type "Google" into Google, you can break the Internet.

Obama also stopped in at Top Pot donuts yesterday around 9am, about a block from where I'm sitting right now.

Oh, I thought you said BACON

Perhaps this is why the shop is all out of cheese.

@briglass: We should probably also get the people at TMZ to leave their computers off during the day as well...

Sounds great, but no word on this mysterious 1.4.1 firmware that seems to be loaded on newer nooks, but not available on older models?

Space sunshades are just the first step.

Can I still break it apart and put the pieces back together?

What did they have for beverages?

@JDickson87: To be fair, the review said it was the only "other" to have the shutter button...

I already have your first customer.

I've seen the meter maids in Seattle ride around on these.