
My Google Pixel has does this for years. It even gives me a red background when it suspects it’s a telemarketer because others have labeled it so. unfortunately i’m a hot head sometimes and i tell the telemarketer to “...stop being part of the problem and go get a different job.” There is other employment out there

yep. agree. and then there are bikers who do stupid shit, get in trouble because ... well they did something stupid and think they can fix it by yelling and breaking the mirror of a cager who didn’t cause it in the first place. Fellow biker beware.

there are bold riders and then there are old riders.  You and I are the latter.

How is choosing when to follow the rules of the road being courteous?  Maybe pretending you are a normal driver vs a traffic cop would be a better approach for the reasons laid out in this article.  I get it.  You want to be nice.  But it doesn’t help.  

some of us. but now i think about it. no. the only thing dumber than a Karen in her shopping tank is Leroy on his new ‘busa looking for a quick and messy death.

2 words
Dash . Cam.

I’ll attest to that. While driving from Texas to Seattle by way of LA I was caught going through LA at 5ish on a wednesday afternoon. Holy shit it was like I was living a NASCAR race!

I’ve ridden a lot in a lot of different areas and have never experienced what you describe.  That would be scary.  Be safe.

i rode half the day just yesterday

google “a florida man ...”

“i had the right of way” on your tombstone seems like a pretty bad prize to win. There old bikers and bold bikers. not both. 

there old bikers and bold bikers.  not both.

dude.  really?  chill.  it’s the teenagers with their “daddy bought me this” pickup that are the worst offenders.

This article is about being “predictable”. lane splitting is not. It’s just stupid and it is only compounded by some bikers getting their panties in a wad when some Karen sideswipes them because she thought there were only three lanes, not two more for bikers.  Also doesn’t help when said biker is all flat black from

lane splitting is just fucking dumb. i don’t give a shit if it’s legal or not. The whole point of this article was to be “predictable” and lane splitting is just the opposite. Some motorcyclists like myself never condone this.

In Charlotte I used to ride my bike everywhere in the 90's. But 485 seems to be 80% populated with people who watch too much NASCAR. But the worst is the soon-to-be-dead millenial or high schooler splitting lanes at 80+mph.

I never use my hi beams unless I’m on a lang dark road and I’m scanning for the reflective eyes of deer. I ride a cruiser so maybe since I don’t go over 70 I don’t need them whereas others might.

There are bold motorcyclists and old motorcyclists. Not both.

Some bikers think they are the cops. They get mad and mirror smash as retribution for minor shit. And man, don’t lane split.....ever. I mean talk about unpredictable. Cars don’t expect two or more “new” lanes just for bikes and they get mad also when they

did this months ago. make sure to be listening to heavy metal and when CM tells you to turn it sounds like someone in the band is giving you driving directions.