WD Live boxes are being cut. I have two. But we don’t use Netflix on these anyways.
WD Live boxes are being cut. I have two. But we don’t use Netflix on these anyways.
Corporations are just as self centered as people are. Not a popular opinion I know but corporations, as evil as they can be, provide jobs, donate to good causes and pay the lion’s share of the vast amount of healthcare premiums. Ask your HR person to tell you what the company pays for your health care vs what you…
i big fucking star for you! I boggle why we even talk about whether you should recline or not. The damn chair reclines so ....yes!
my friends aren’t self-centered assholes who need reminding about basic public etiquette. and yes. I’m supper loads of fun at parties.
the japanese responded to this need for space with their culture of etiquette walls. Its also one of the kindest general populations I’ve ever been in.
I’m not wigging out I’m just pointing out something that perhaps others were not aware of. You stand in line and someone is right there bumping you. Here the only one that does that is intimate partners. Also trying to walk on the street I will literally put my hand on their should and push them a bit to arm’s length…
I’m with you because if they do that kind of crap what else is going on? A job is not a right. People depend on you showing up for work and when yo don’t a lot of others can’t do their job. Or your job is so irrelevant that they don’t need you and can replace you with someone who doesn’t lie.
as in most cases, not all mind you, but in many many the reasons your manager might be an ass-hat is due to being lied to by employees in the past. For most of the crap we have to endure, thank the jerks before you for causing this. This applies to this kind of thing down to the “don’t put your dog in the microwave”…
an employee of mine tried this once. they emailed the picture as an attachment. I pulled it up and looked at the exif info. The photo was taken months ago and I even had the GPS coordinates where it was taken. I also pointed out that the weather in the picture was different. Told him not to lie to me again and not…
as an american i have the largest personal space bubble in the world. my friends from other lands don’t understand why i don’t want to be touching other people all the time.
I once had a chic do this. I took a picture of her mane and showed her the picture while I just looked at her and said “no.”. I sat down and she did the adult thing and removed her hair while apologizing.
being an adult would be a nice change for some. all this passive aggressive shit is just childish.
I recline. I do it because I can and fuck you to be honest. I bring something to clean the damn table because people are fucking gross and no amount of bitching about it will change that. The same vegan who goes on and on about healthy lifestyles will pick her god damn toes and flick whatever she found onto the floor.…
I’m a network admin and we are never off the clock. With an iPad and phone on us we are at the beck-and-call from all until 10pm. But that said no one gives two shits if I’m in the office as long as things are handled. Being chained to a desk would really blow to be honest. I feel for all of you but perhaps consider…
Since you have filtered through the site do you happen to remember if it’s personal users only or will business accounts be included/excluded? Much appreciated.
put a “winky” in there next time so we can “hear” your sarcasm. just a thought.
ditto. i have the 3xl and video and photos took most of my space on my pixel1 but I am able to upload them at full rez without worrying about space issues (note this is not offered on the pixel4). So my space requirements on the 128GB version are good. i carry the USBA to USBC adapter it came with to upload my drone…
I’m republican and I think this is a fucking shame. I go to lunch with my kids all the time and I see most of it in the trash. It’s like we are going to force the kids to eat healthy. No, it ends up in the trash. So is that the best we can do? Throw good food in the trash or deny them lunch? Can there not be anyone…
the military expense is just stupid. i could write a long paragraph but what;s the point. I couldn’t add to your comment.
along with open-source try “portable”. These apps run on a thumbdrive and you can run them without admin rights on your work computer. www.portableapps.com is a great place to start. I’m a network admin and 1/2 my programs are here. I buy several dozen thumbdrives each Christmas season and install a whole suite of…