
To be honest the health system as it is was built by both sides. But while we have background checks and waiting periods and such the death toll rises. I keep asking and I never get an answer to this question. Maybe you can be the first to answer. To the problem with mass shootings. What is your solution? Be different

I’ll grant you that. I hear gun control from the the left in the same breath as they talk about outlawing them. And I hear the right saying they are for it but don’t want too much paperwork. Lord perhaps one day the middle-of-the-road folks might speak up and quit the apathy that allows such extreme viewpoints to be

Thanks for your comments. The far right is evil. No argument there. But then so is the far left. How about we punish and try to rehabilitate the perpetrators vs. hobbling everyone? School shooting and all mass shootings to be honest seem to be caused by sick individuals, not overly zealous gun owners who would like

This is usually the time when I remind others that there are more laws on the books restricting guns than there were back 20 years ago, and even more the farther back you go. But then I remember that no matter what I write or what proof I provide that this is just too emotional of an issue to debate. So I guess it

Like I’m going to take this kind of advice from Zero Cool.

middle ground?  did you read my post?  If you think “Dun seen” is acceptable then please move along.  I don’t speak in “uppity” but I do use proper wording.  Please stop insulting people who are clearly not trying to be offensive.

that certainly is out there.  

take some decaf. Relax. Chill. White guy comment was because my hands are too big and not the size of an southeast asian man’s hands. But thank you for showing me that you were more interested in flaming me than understanding me.

thanks but I refuse to use “dun seen” just because my audience is intimidated by “I have observed”.

So in your opinion I’m supposed to use “I dun seen them over der.” to ensure that anyone who reads my email is not left out because they have chosen to not read after highschool? There is a wide space between using proper language that some do not understand because it’s not the local ass-backward vernacular and using

your 5 year-old is now my favorite person of the week.

I do this as well. And I never let my kids feel silly for asking.

whos’ worrying? I use the words as they are defined. If others don’t know the meaning then it’s not on me. I don’t try to sound “uppity” but I won’t use 4 ingredients in a soup when 12 make it taste better.

True.  But there are also thousands of words that fit the meaning better than using the definition to we don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.  Reconcile is one.  Predominant is another for example.

I’m with you. Remember that old saying? “God made all men, Sam Colt made them equal.”  With a gun a woman is just as powerful as a 6'8" 350 pound man with a club.  It is empowering.  But when weak minded and weak hearted individuals use a gun to bolster their feeling of self-worth or power, that is when we get into

When has anyone used higher vocabulary to convey a meaning because they couldn’t use a bunch lesser words? Intent is fine but who makes the call? The listener/reader who is intimidated by someone who uses words they don’t understand and therefore takes offence or the speaker/writer who uses these words constantly? If

I don’t understand. Are you saying that I am for using too many words and you disagree? Are you saying that using one or two words to express something is not better than using 20?  You think I’m boasting or something? The size of one’s vocabulary has little to do with intelligence. It has more to do with how well

:( sorry. I of course am guilty of generalizing. Rhythm And Poetry have some truly beautiful lyrics. I apologize.

I agree. I read. I listen to music outside of the Christian-rock or country columns. I’m not a hunter so forget any deer hunting stories and I have never found NASCAR fascinating enough to devote any time to watching let alone get enthusiastic about one team/driver over another. And since I see no point in getting

I get the idea of calling folks on being pretentious, however dumbing down your language skills so you don’t appear to be elitist is short-minded. Yes some people get offended because I use words they don’t understand but this in English and not everything needs to be expressed solely in lyrics from a country or rap