White people have discovered that they are the REAL victims of racism and prejudice recently as well.
White people have discovered that they are the REAL victims of racism and prejudice recently as well.
Gwen Stefani should also be listed under bindis. She wore them a lot in the 1990s and was not called out for it much at the time.
Is it not common knowledge that Chuck Berry was more or less the inventor of rock and roll? Or at least the singer of the first real rock n roll song?
I read every one of these - and there were definitely some gems - but I just flat-out can’t get over putting jelly on pizza, let alone asking for it like it’s not completely insane.
“whom we all called Caramel Lady. ”
I would also like to note that the LDS church has worked hard to push back against its leadership becoming mandated reporters, arguing that it interferes with the repentance process. They mess up with stuff relating to sexuality and sex crimes frequently. http://www.feministmormonhousewives.org/2014/05/yeseve…
Her husband is the real MVP. So glad he didn’t just turn a blind eye to the reports and cooperated so she could be caught.
Because she was creating a child while abusing another child, which means she’s the most sociopath of sociopaths. Usually even a cold-hearted asshole would have some maternal instinct kick in with a baby on board. Also, she probably used the pregnant lady shtick to get small children to more easily trust her and…
There were thirty years between Cosby and Blackish.
Post-Huxtables. And they were uber rich, richer than most families on TV at the time, period. The Huxtables were upper middle class but their kids went to public school, they liked each other, they were college educated... Like my family. But both black and white people to my face at the time said they were a made up…
Yeah. It’s completely possible that the reporter asked a question, like:
Didn’t Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv have an in tact, successful family on “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air”? She was a professor and he was a lawyer, and they had enough money to have not only their own children, but their nephew in an elite private school.
The sad part is, that’s only half of his alleged victims.
Yeah, I acknowledge his point, but it seems callous at best to say that’s the “saddest” thing about dozens of women being raped.
If the judge’s contempt stems from frustration that victims often drop complaints, she did the absolute worst thing she could have done. Victims are already terrified to press charges; the judge just announced to victims everywhere that the very worst thing they can ever do is seek help through the legal system,…
AND the abused woman was choked during that encounter, which is a sign that the abuse is escalating and become life-threatening. So it’s especially great that the judge punished the already-abused woman.
it needs to be easier to get these fucking scum suckers off the bench. they do not deserve to be treated like demigods.
Domestic violence charges should be brought by the state so that a woman like this one doesn’t have to be put in the position of pressing charges or not pressing charges.