
Poor baby. He did nothing wrong and he is still apologizing for doing the wrong thing. This is such bullshit.

This all day. Pregnant woman are convinced that they shouldn’t complain and looked at horribly if they do. When I met my first miserable pregnant person, I hated her for it, I just didn’t get it bc no one had been honest with me about pregnancy before. I’m now that miserable pregnant person and literally try to

I agree. She had a very rough first pregnancy and is having another rough one. She’s allowed to hate the experience and talk about it. I think more women should talk about it, because those who hate being pregnant may think they’re alone and supposed to feel sunshine and lollipops the entire time, possibly feeling

You are not too bright, huh? Just because you don’t like being pregnant Most people don’t!) doesn’t mean you don’t want your own children. You’re making it into something this wild and crazy situation when it’s very common. She very much wanted more children and went through a LOT to get pregnant this time.

You sure know her life story for not seeming to like her very much!

Idk maybe it was accidental? Maybe she wanted another kid even if she doesn’t like being pregnant? Pressure from her family and the media?

She does have health issues and will probably lose her uterus as a result of this pregnancy. You don’t like her, okay, but pregnancy is no walk in the park.

Never said you were mean just that you were being mean! I think Kim could just use a break. I know she's not 100% perfect all around and sometimes doesn't make all the best decisions or whatever but I don't think she deserves ALL of the things said about her. Give her a break ! She's pregnant and doesn't like it !

I think maybe she just doesn't enjoy pregnancy - it's common enough. You don't need to be mean !

Ah, Uncle Joe. Your inability to toe the party line is what convinced Obama to put up or shut up about gay marriage, so rock on.

Why are customers always convinced people are lying to them? They have only one cup size, they aren’ trying to trick you for the fun of it. I one time had a customer, when I worked at the convenience store, swear up and down they paid for a money order with a credit card there just recently. The damn computers didn’t

Having spent several years in food service, mostly hauling sizzling fajita plates around, I can honestly say I fantasized many, MANY times about dropping one of those plates in a customer’s lap. The difference, though, is that I DIDN’T. Jesus, lady.

Yes! We NEED her in the senate. With the way the legislative branch keeps blocking/derailing/trying to shut down, why don’t people realize it’s fucking important to have those like Warren there? We just want to leave it to all the goons?

Exactly. They don’t want women, they want incubators.

remember that case in Texas where doctors were ordered to keep a brain-dead woman alive because fetus - over the objections of her husband and family?

I don’t think she has much interest in foreign policy that takes up so much of the president’s energy.

“• 97% of what Planned Parenthood does is about cancer screenings, screenings for STDs, about birth control

• Not one federal dollar goes to pay for abortions through Planned Parenthood”

I’m actually kind of glad Warren isn’t running. We’ll need a strong candidate in reserve for the 2020 election if someone in the Republican clown car wins, and I can’t think of anyone who fits the bill better. By not running this time, she’s in much better shape for that contest.

I just love her.