
How true. I said somewhere else on here that as much as I may gripe, when it comes down to it I’ll vote for whoever gets the D nod.

I’m in a very blue state, yes. I remember bits of the H.W. Bush’s term, a bit more of the Clinton years and all of W’s years in good detail. That’s why I won’t risk any of the current R goons getting elected. I may gripe about it nonstop, but when it comes down to it I’ll be voting for whoever gets the D nomination.

I know. I keep thinking I might vote 3rd party of Clinton gets the nomination, and then I remember that one of these ass clowns could wind up President and change my tune.

But camping does not guarantee access to a flush toilet! I’m not much of a diva, but I don’t go more than 3 hours or so from indoor plumbing.

That’s what I just said to Mr. Thatgirl.

Excellent point. If it *had* been a bomb their failure to handle the situation properly could have put lives at risk.

I tend to think of them as more likely to push their kids hard as well. More ‘tiger mom’-ish if you will. I didn’t do the best job of fleshing of my point, sorry.

Who is that? I’m blanking on his name....nevermind, it just came to me.

I have a stereotype of Ivy League-ers, especially those whose parents didn’t but their way in. ..I assume they are very driven among other things.

I call that ‘engineer brain.’ My dad suffers from it. I think my younger daughter might, as well.

Shoot, I was a Midwestern teenager and I remember it.

That is really and truly hilarious.

Sounds like you are paying it forward in your own way :)

This is what I was taught to do. Plus if the service was good or I just happen to like the server I tip a bit higher percentage than normal. I figure it’s good karma.

Yes, too much room for error with water/clear liquor. That’s part of the reason I don’t keep it in the house. My older daughter is sooo bad about drinking out of other people’s water I can see it ending badly.

Thanks. I’ve never worked anywhere that did that kind of survey or that did merit based bonuses so that didn’t occur to me.

Yes, I wonder if it was something like this....I mean, if someone told me they couldn’t ethically serve alcohol, I’d say “Cool, I’ll handle the booze if you take task X off my hands.” If they wouldn’t , I’d refuse to handle their alcohol duties.

Jesus christ. I knew it was bad back in those days-I’ve heard all about how dangerous back alley abortions and so on were-but I had no idea you couldn’t get proper treatment for miscarriages either.

Meh, we refused to let our daughter go to preschool/kind graduations on the grounds that they’re absurd.

I accidentally took my kids to see a pediatrician in a Catholic network. We just moved to a new state and I found this nice big network of doctors that take our insurance....I figured it would be convenient for our specialists to be able to share records but over my dead body will I see an ob/gyn that is part of a