
I’d pay a bit extra for a wider seat with no extra ammenaties.

Same here. Not seeing g a big issues here, unless the airline employees are going out of their way to be jerk about it.

I don’t think he will, either, but he should. And since he can pardon as many people as he wants, he can throw all of the non -violent drug offenders he wants into the mix.

Then don’t. My formula fed child is light years ahead of her breastfed sister developmentally. I’m not sure it is related, but I really feel like for.ula did not hurt her.

Yes, this. I have to admit, if I found out today that I was pregnant, I would seriously consider termination. However, that is my choice to make for myself, not to impose on anyone else.

That’s the thing that gets me- not only was the male cop ok with this, but he got two female cops to go along with it? ???

My daughter *prefers*to play with cardboard boxes over actual toys.

I’m sure she was irreparably damaged.

I give anyone with a windowless van (outside of work) a wide berth.

Very true. My husband used to work for CVS, and his boss would go through each month and turn any magazines whose cover she disapproved if backwards.

I’m quite confused as well. I’ve heard audio of all of this, and while some of it is a bit callous, I’m just not seeing/hearing anything I didn’t already know was going on.

Wow, holy jerkiness. Autistic douchebags?

I’ve watched the video a few times now, but never with the sound turned up all of the way (my kids are around this week) so maybe I missed something. I never thought the victim was even trying to drive away from what u could see with the sound off.

Yeah, she comes off more ‘nasty jerk’ than ‘skilled troll’ to me.

Possibly. To me it depends on whether he is unable or unwilling to pay it.

Thanks for sharing that clip.

I have no evidence, but my fur feeling is that this is a media ‘summer of the shark attack’ like back in ‘01, but with a story that actually deserves the attention.

I do not handle surprises well. Surprise+smelly gym clothes would end very badly for Mr. Thatgirl.

I agree, he has done wonderful things and I don’t regret voting for either election; however, I despise his drone policy and believe he should be fighting harder to close gitmo.

I guess I’m a divorcee waiting to happen then-in guilty of both poltergeist -ing the kitchen and never hit ting ‘clear’on the microwave. Mr. Thatgirl, however, is guilty of using the last piece of bread not getting more out of the freezer.