
When I meet with people from DARPA and NASA they all use Macs.

When I meet with people from DARPA and NASA they all use Macs.

Yeesh. Sorry for giving you accurate evidence. What macbook hurt you, bro?

Yeesh. Sorry for giving you accurate evidence. What macbook hurt you, bro?

>Name one thing a Mac Book does better than a PC for double the price.

Continue functioning after five years.

>Name one thing a Mac Book does better than a PC for double the price.

Continue functioning after five years.

Name one thing a Mac Book does better than a PC for double the price.”

Name one thing a Mac Book does better than a PC for double the price.”

I appreciated what you wrote. You can't please everyone. Thank you for your honesty.

not yet.

He's doing this as revenge against John McCain, isn't he.

Seriously, when I have my ass crack of dawn flights for work, getting checked in and through security is so frickin fast. Now, the line for the Dunkin donuts so I can get some breakfast on the other hand...

You win. Best comment of the week.

You win. Best comment of the week.

I feel like Rochester did a great job redesigning the TSA area! The airport used to be bare bones aesthetically, but it’s a nice upgrade.

God, no. It’s good for work if you actively associate with people who are good to work with. They can share your info as needed. If you’re getting business from shady leads, you waste your time with garbage on top on emails from irate fans. 

No, it’s 99.99 percent garbage, sent out by people who don’t even try to make sure the journalist’s beat lines up with what they’re pitching.

“You write about game? Here’s 10 emails and follow-up phone calls about a knockoff Frisbee!”

the products they’re pitching are likely not relevant to whatever journalism that person does. they might be reviewing third party peripheral controllers, but now subject to calls from anyone wanting to market anything under the E3 umbrella (which could be essentially anything)

Really, just a sideshow

Caseta all the way for me. More up-front hassle, much easier on the back end. 

Caseta all the way for me. More up-front hassle, much easier on the back end. 

Yup. Dolezal knew full well she wasn’t black and basically did blackface as a lifestyle. Warren stupidly believed her family stories, but didn’t turn race into a costume.

THIS. She’s got good policy positions, detailed plans on how to make them work, and she’s apologized about claiming to be Native American.

Too bad she didn’t shoot back with, “Funny, because you’re nothing like the original Charlemagne...”

Hey now, he’s made a pretty good Harry Mudd and he was great in Hesher.