
“Again, learn the difference between “rhetoric” and “reality”.

The cockroach is also missing his jersey.

We’ll see how the next election goes this May. Maybe Maryam Rajavi will win. Oh yeah, their constitution doesn’t allow women to run. Ironic, since this article is about feminism. Anyway, Rouhani is a bit of a figurehead when the Ayatollah’s call the shots.

...and Trump, who is likely to give Netanyahu a pass.

Do you honestly think Israel is ruled by religious fanatics? I think the government makes decisions, right or wrong (which I’d be happy to debate... I don’t agree with settlements, etc.), out of protectionism and security concerns... but not from Leviticus.

His resignation letter is better in the original Russian.

“1. People seem to fall for the stupid rhetoric that Iran is some monster whose entire goal is to nuke Israel. Iran isn’t suicidal. The minute they nuke ANYONE, the US nukes them.”

I’ve met/known Iranian civilians. I agree. I’ve known some who went to Israel for healthcare. Just like I don’t want to be judged by Trump, I don’t judge Iranian civilians for their leaders. But their leaders encourage, sponsor and fund terrorism.

It only looks big, next to his hands.

So Iran, a fanatically ruled nation, should have nukes so they will have a tactical advantage against other countries? Why should we encourage Iran, who calls the USA “The Great Satan” and “Death to America” (and writes that on their bombs) to have any military advantage? What in the world about Iran’s behavior would

“In Canada, we call it P95X, because of the exchange rate.”

Nailed it. Wife, and son.

Iranians aren’t stupid? Maybe... maybe not. They’ve voted, or at least allowed themselves to be ruled by religious fanatics. Why do they need a deterrent against Israel, anyway?

Not lunatics. Fanatics. We’ve seen what Israel has done with nukes... nothing. I can’t imagine what people whose charter is to drive Israel into the sea, to wipe them from the face of the earth, would do with even a dirty bomb, if they got their hands on one.

The difference is, Israel has them and doesn’t use them. The ‘drive them into the sea’ folks would use them the moment they could.

Yes, so let’s establish another Islamic State, so women won’t be oppressed.

“As to solutions: cut off all aid to Israel immediately until they agree to talks”

At the Grammys? The Oscars I could understand...