
Wildest Dreams? Maybe the honeymoon in the Porsche Showroom...

“vowel renewals”

In the presence of the Pope? Bad karma.

Why steal wallets if you don’t use money?

Perhaps that IS his twitter handle?

He thought he was a Scratch Golfer... but clearly he has a handicap.

Now he’ll be doing 9 to 18.

I must say I enjoyed googling for ‘oranges bikini’ but this was the only really relevant (and safe) result:

It’ll be easier to get rid of the truck than a tattoo.

“Ryan better hope he doesn’t get fired again: there aren’t many teams with jerseys darker than Buffalo’s blue.”

How prescient you were.

“Look who came...”

He should put it on eBay. Tailgating is all too often the best part of the Bills’ games and someone could bring the RexMobile.

That bench could deliver some mean career-ending splinters, though... just saying.

I didn’t have time to read the article, but I’ve just put all my money into snowballs. I hope that was the right thing.

Hey, he’s been the Official Coach of Time Warner these past few years.

Have you not been following the Roger Ailes lawsuits?

But they didn’t do that. Breitbart wants its cake and to eat it too, criticizing others for attacking Jews, because they might gain some sympathy in doing so... but have no problem doing it on their own.

“satirical tweet” - Professor

“The professor’s Twitter feed is filled with hateful, obnoxious messages, anti-Americanism, slams of President Donald Trump, attacks on Jews”