
I miss the old Kanye, straight from the go Kanye.

Pretty sure my friend is in an emotionally abusive relationship. He stayed with a friend for the past two months for work and the things he was saying were very troubling. He was on edge whenever his girlfriend called and I feel she was very emotionally manipulative, ie: blaming him when his cat bit her cat, or when

Kinda want to vandalize her stupid fucking ping pong bar.

I had a full time pay my bills job but that gave me no chance to go out for the last minute gigs people post. I’m now working part time. But it’s hard to keep motivated when you’re getting no response from people.

Yes!! Sleep No More is absolutely the best and definitely stayed with me. I can’t wait to go again.

How long would you guys wait to give up on following your dreams? It hasn’t been happening for me, even when I get a job lined up, it falls through and I’m back at square one. And I don’t know what else to do. I feel like I network enough and am apart of multiple groups that post jobs and I apply to said jobs and

Bath and Body Works has a sleep treatment from C.O. Bigelow, I think, that is amazing. I put it on before bed and when I wake up, I occasionally still have some on.

NYC high schools are pretty shitty when it comes to sports and after school activities. Many schools don’t have access to those types of spaces. For example, my HS had to use the local community college’s gym and theatre and we shared it with 2 other schools, not including the actual college. I played golf in HS and

I feel like we’ve had this pissing contest before. Ah well heres my story:

Ugh my last period utterly drained me. I was at work and I ended up getting really sick. Almost fainted on my way to try to get someone to help me and just laid on the floor for a good hour. Luckily a friend of mine at work is also an Emt so he checked me out and helped me get home. I think it was my iron.   

That’s the one. I only get bowls. The only amazing burrito I’ve ever had comes from this one tiny spot in Allentown. I refuse to top it so I never eat burritos anywhere else.

I used to work near a chipotle and a dos toros and would have to settle for dos toros because the line at chipotle was always out the door. I was never happy with my dos toros burrito bowl.

I need to know where the house in the first story is located. My friends and I ghost hunt and that would be a terrifying place to hunt.

That sounds amazing. I wish it was in ny.

I will have to check this out because the crowds was the one thing i hated about Sleep No More. I was trying to follow an actor and these people are holding hands and blocking hallways because they don’t want to be separated from their date. I would gladly pay more money if that meant less of an audience.

I went to Sleep No More this past week and I can’t stop thinking about it. My 1:1 interaction with one of the actors left me so rattled but I didn’t have more than 5 minutes to myself to process it before I was running into another scene.

Once in college, my roomies and I threw a party and we invited a bunch of theatre majors, a few were new to the department while we were vets. This one freshman girl sat in our BarcaLounger aka The Daddy Chair, sighing loudly and rolling her eyes, pretty much making herself a dead spot in the living room but eliciting

Today I had a lesson in how the good lord giveth and then taketh away. I had an internship lined up in my field and then they went with someone else. So to make myself feel better I booked a trip to Iceland. And yesterday evening I went to a midnight showing of The Room and on our way there, my friend V’s gf, who I

I’ve gotten a lot better than I was. I still don’t like being on the 2nd floor of the house by myself when it’s nighttime. I just want to experience something fully and then I can just move on, my imagination is a lot worse tha my friends ghost stories of the house.