
I was working in one of the rooms, late at night, the other people in the house were working outside. I started to feel someone staring at what I was working on over my shoulder, I turned my head to see what it was because I knew I was alone in the house, and I see a woman staring over my shoulder at me. I jump 5 feet

I work in a museum house that is haunted and have seen 1 spirit so far.

Currently at the show I costume designed but I am working on a Victorian outfit, complete with bustle skirt, for a masquerade gala I’m going to at the end of the month. Need to add a lining to my jacket and work on my headdress but I’m mostly done with the outfit.

My roommate in college was a dream and we are still close to this day, 10 years after we met. However there was a summer that I lived and worked on a college in PA and my roommate for that would leave every weekend to visit her boyfriend (hooray for me) but she’d leave all her dirty dishes on her desk and she didn’t

My patronus is a brown bear and I love it. I did think I’d be something ferocious and also a tiny bit lazy, like me.

Excuse me, Spot is mine.

New building opened near me and I checked the rent just to see what was up, 2k for a studio! I need someone to pop off some shots and scare some people out of the neighborhood, cause that shit is ridiculous. And the grocery store jacks the prices cause they see the way rent is going and can, but the poor abuelitas

Seconded , don’t move to the heights. It’s the worst. Signed, born and raised in the heights.

Just finished tech week for a show I designed and I was running around from 7am to 2am, everyday and only ate 1 meal a day, the rest of the time it was just massive amounts of coffee keeping me not hungry. I weigh 120 and used to do this type of thing all the time in college. I can imagine Liz Lemon being the same

So Hispanic could be just referring to Hispañiola, so I can see why people from Guatamala don’t want to say they’re Hispanic. Latina could be just referring to Latin America. I think Spanish just covers all of us Spanish speaking people that have no ties to Spain. Or maybe it’s a holdout from people who grew up in DR

I am on the east coast. I think we use Spanish because we speak Spanish, we eat Spanish food and we don’t have any relationship with Spain, so if I say I’m Spanish to someone in NY, they know I mean Hispanic. Its colloquial.

I’m Dominican and don’t like being called Latina. Mainly cause the only person who does is a middle age white lady with a hardon for all things Latin. I prefer Hispanic and even Spanish. Although I stopped saying “I’m Spanish” when I was in London and people asked “where in Spain?” And I get the point of Latinx but I

I try to be civil as possible with her. I’ll speak to her as if I find what she’s saying to be the most interesting thing in the world and only voice my annoyance afterwards to my bff and now yous guys and if it gets serious between the two of them, I’ll sallow my annoyance and be super nice because of V. I told him,

Oh yeah, she probably has heard these stories a lot and its gotten worse since T got into town but V and I have been working on a show together so our conversation tends to center around that, especially since it opens next week, we pretty much use all opportunities to talk last minute logistics, not something she can

Just got back from dinner with a few college friends. One Friend, T, is in town for a little while so it was a reunion dinner, the other two, V and D, I see all the time. V’s GF set this entire dinner up because she wants to meet all of his friends. Should note that I am a female who has been friends with these guys

I have never even been pregnant but I would have punched them in the dick so fucking hard they would've blacked out.

Who’s gonna buy that Hiddleston was the clingy one in this relationship ‘cause one of ya’ll bought a house near a Kennedy after dating for a week and the other one has been pretty Loki about all past relationships, save for this one.

Nope but I did get to see The Merchant of Venice with Jonathan Pryce as Shylock. Amazing!!!! The Globes touring productions are the best and absolutely the best way to get into Shakespeare.

As soon as I heard about this Dunham shit, I though man, I can’t wait for this episode of The Read!!

I love my name. It’s simple enough that it never gets butchered, occasionally I’ll get a crazy spelling (people like to add or subtract letters for some reason). But I almost never run into another me. I shared it with 1 girl in my high school and I never ran into another me in college or any of my jobs.