
Has this week been especially long for anyone else? It was a hard one. I interviewed for a job and didn’t get it which is really making me reconsider my plan to quit my job in November. And work is getting to be too much. Everything that made it fun is being sucked out of it. And I don’t think I can handle another

I have a job interview this Tuesday, for a job actually in my field!! I’m so excited and not at all nervous which I hope means I’ll kick its ass.

What the fuck is this twenty one bullshit? I had a coworker who used to say it all the time and I just thought it was him being stupid.

So my friend just had his lead drop out of the show he is directing and I said they should have this app for actors so other directors know that they are unprofessional.

There is erotica written about this commercial and I feel like I heard about it on Jezebel.

Actual cannibal Shia Labeouf?

OMG that Monster Bonus is kind of in the same vein of a situation I’m tangentially involved in. A few regulars at the coffee shop that I work at invited a few of us (aka people who give them coffee for free) out for happy hour tomorrow for an end of the summer/beginning of fall/thanks for all the free coffee drink

I don't know if Adnan did it or not but he should not have been convicted on that shoddy evidence.

Like all Ryan Murphy shows, it will be amazing for the first two seasons then it will suck and we will be left wondering why it's still on the air.

Just found my next vacation!!!

Kind of in the same boat as you, a few friends are single but most of my closest friends are married. It sucks when I want to hang out with them and they can’t cause they have kids and shit and I don’t. My single friends and I are on crazy different schedules so we try to plan things at least a week in advanced to

Cause I’m sure that kayak or cheapoair lets you book flying into and out of different countries, but it’s more expensive to book them separately. I paid $900 for a round trip flight in and out of Paris, I just had to book a flight from Barcelona back to Paris, which was $100. My sister paid $800 for a one way flight

Copenhagen is beautiful but cold. It was about 70 and they said it was unseasonably warm. The entire city smells like hot dogs and everyone rides bikes. The food is amazing!!! And an introverts dream as there is no such thing as small talk. It was perfect.

Just got back from my European excursion and it was amazing but I did half of it with my sister and she drove me nuts.

I went to European wax center before my vacation looking to get my bikini area waxed. The waxer and I got too chatty because talking to the person who is staring at your vagina makes it less awkward for me and she ended up giving me a Mohawk, which is the absolute worst. I feel like a prepubescent child, no thanks.

Currently on the European vacation now and I’m a mix of touristy things and laid back things. Do my touristy things in the morning and my laid back things later in the afternoon/evening.

School started at 8am and let out at 2pm. Had to be up by 6 to get ready and take the subway to my school, an hour away. By senior year, I became friends with the guys who can change your schedule, so I did; out by lunch everyday but I had to carry my schedule around with my schools number on it incase truancy picked

Holy shit, doing Rome and Venice in two weeks. This could not have come at a better time!!

I downloaded a few books from author Megan Abbot, thinking, “Yes!! I loved the princess diaries when I was younger” but alas, wrong author. Now I’m stuck reading these books about girls doing awful things to each other for no reason. Main characters literally have no idea why they act the way they do or how to not act

Ugh Jess was the worst. Even Rory hated who she was when she was with him. I mean this is the guy who didn’t even say goodbye when he left!!!!!! And I hate all the apologists who say “but he grew up when they met again when she left Yale;” congratulations Jess, you are no longer an immature asshole with a Kerouac book