I should start carrying sharp objects in my bag but odds are I'd only end up hurting myself.
I should start carrying sharp objects in my bag but odds are I'd only end up hurting myself.
Some trains in NYC have seats just like that, leg spreaders don't care. They gun spread.
She's had a history of depression and has been on medication for it so she was/is doing better. I hope that if she is having trouble she would talk to me or her roommate about it because, I imagine, shutting people who care about you out is not good and would only drive those people away.
My friend hasn't been responding to any of my texts when I or another friend ask her to hang out. She missed a pretty big social gathering this weekend that she said she was going to attend and we didn't find out that she wasn't going to until after an hour of waiting at a restaurant for her to show. I found out today…
Are you me? Because the first part of this story happened to me. Except the guy couldn't play for shit, his guitar was severely out of tune and my friend said "this is what our parents were worried about when they sent us to college. Sex, drugs and rock and roll" and I couldn't stop laughing!!! Then I got distracted…
For letter writer 3: I get this way a lot as well. The reason I act like that is because I get so tired of dealing with people and it just spills over into my home life and it helps (me, at least) to just not talk. If I don't talk to someone, they can't talk to me and my mind can sort of reset back to "ready to deal…
My friend and I took a mini-vacay out to Cali to visit another friend who was in grad school out there. We went to San Francisco for a few days and saw the sights there; on our 2nd to last day, we drove down to San Jose for the Mystery House. The driver of the car said "lets drive down the 1" so we can see the coast…
I don't know if this will show up since im at work (sbux), but if it does, that is the ingredient list for your pumpkin syrup. Enjoy your sugar bombs.
I tell my pee my pants story with great honor. I find it pretty hilarious. I was on Easter holiday in Dublin with some friends. They decided, since it was Easter and all, to go to church. I was all like "fuck that shit" and I went to a bar by myself. I bought a book along and had myself a grand ol' time, drinking and…
Best thing I ever did was get a haircut from a guy who knows how to cut curly hair and he showed me how to take care of it, so every day, my hair looks exactly like the 1st day when he cut it.
They haven't said where the break is (at least I don't think they did) but its probably going to be right when Peeta gets back and tries to kill Katniss or when they figure out that they have to go to the Capitol and it is designed just like the games.
My philosophy at work is "Don't ask questions." So no more why is this like this? Who decided this? Instead I just roll with the punches, clean the mess up, and get my work done. I am less stressed out now. I still ask "How does this person still have a job?" That one is a toughy but I'm trying to stop asking that one…
I have travelled with really close friends before and I will never do it again. One trip to DC with a close friend ended with me being pissed because she relied on me to know how to get around. I was as new to the city as she and could have really used her help with navigating but what happened is I had the map in one…
I am still holding out hope that they will bring back the Guacamole flavor. I could literally eat a family size bag in an hour, those things were that good!
Now we wait for the froyo bubble to pop.
Didn't Cool Pope say that birth control was okay now?
Kerrygold is my lord and savior returned in butter form.
Once when I used to partake, my friends and I made weed cookies using a full 80 dollars worth of weed. We each ate about 2 cookies and were completely done for. My one friend G was sitting by the window and became STOOPIT paranoid. She kept saying things like "we gotta go, they are gonna come and we cant be here." We…
It's about as good as Supernatural is ever gonna be BUT it does complete the Tmblr trifecta, so if your goal is to be a huge fangirl, then power through.
Eff That! Tonight is the season finale of Supernatural and this is me.