Sounds rather Trumpish
Sounds rather Trumpish
Getting 3 kills in a row is simple. Not that big of deal to decent players. I feel for the newbies that will just get frustrated and quit.
These farm subsidies are getting out of control
I have the same problem. I purchased live traps, caught and released the little guys at the golf course a few miles away.
You’re missing out on a lot of great beer.
Demar Derozen....
This is what I do
The Rock Boys? FOH
I tried the Black Cherry one at a beerfest over the weekend. It tasted a lot like Kool-aid. I can see why people dig it. It’s really easy drinking.
New Belgium’s Voodoo Ranger.
I think it’s New Belgium’s weakest offering and I’m always shocked when someone tells me they love it. Amber’s are meh to me.
He can also use the force
Counterpoint they are very necessary
Here he is next to equally out of shape UFC heavy weight contender making him look small.
These are what my 78 year old pops wears haha
One of my dad’s buddies go to drink while camping is Diet Dew and Kessler’s whiskey. He had to switch to Diet because he got the BEETUS and the doctor told him to cut out sugar.
My wife got the peppermint one at Costco. Thinking nothing of it I lather it up and soaped my whole body. That’s when the strange tingling started in my nether regions and didn’t go away for 30 minutes post shower. Now we just use that one as hand soap.
Chubs and dick cream in the same vicinity, oh my.
Are you the dumb ass who orders McRib’s at Wendy’s?