
As the managing attorney for the beardy in the lead photo, I wish to point out that my client has had no association with any "Squad" in the past, nor does he maintain one at this time.

That he is a lizard should be self-evident—but my client maintains that he does not now, nor has he ever been able to operate a

I'm sure Rockstar will fix this glitch in the next patch.

Considering how punchable that face is, he got off lucky.

Yeah, I'll continue just going straight through the gates on my gad-damn elephant.

Unrelated, but also an hilarious NBA Vine.

Reporter: Marshawn, do you feel dehumanized? Treated like property?

LeBron didn't listen much to Spo that first year, look what happened when he got over himself and decided to be a basketball player instead of coach, recruiter, fashion blogger, speech giver, M.C., and horrible foot model for Nike shoes.

Here's a sobering thought. What if they just aren't that good? I think secretly many advanced stat guys think Irving is in fact not a good player at all. His defense is atrocious and he is terribly inefficient on offense. All flash and no real game. I also think Bosh, with his all around game is in fact better than

I'm 35 years old and I've been watching competitive Muay Thai and traditional kickboxing fights for over 20 years. I also have about 12 or so years of personal experience training and sparring. In sum, I've seen a LOT of fights in my life, either experienced personally, first-hand, or as a spectator.

The best thing about Aaliyah was Timbaland.

It brings a lot to the owners of the team.

Thank You.

Nice Haisley. Steal my post from the Klinsman thread, keep it in pending and make it your own. Sweet job at Deadspin.

no h/t to fomthe20thfloor who pasted this in a previous article?

Start paying your players better than the Greek league. Just look at the income to average salary ratio.

"Not impressive when you consider the quality of the competition. I mean, none of them have ever won a European championship."

Bill's not wrong about the look, but the MLS hate is still tiresome. He should be banned from writing about American soccer in general. Stick to writing breathless, reactionary pieces about Chelsea having won the EPL in November.

No joke, my brother-in-law's cat looks just like Sam Cassell. In case you were wondering, yeah, it's just as weird-looking.

Someone please move this to the top of the list. It's only fair.

Don't run! We are your friends!