
Well, it's a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as the Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.

That's weird that they made such an effort. Usually, guys like him get left alone on the sideline after they've kicked.

As previously stated, I have no problem with a good fruit beer. But there's something about this beer that turns me off. I think the banana flavoring tastes a little too artificial for me? I dunno.

Wait, you thought the ombudsman was right? Did you read his piece? He said Simmons had no evidence to back his claim, except he does and has stated it. Mort, Peter King and the two ESPN guys who wrote the big Ray Rice piece all have sources confirming various things about the NFL. We have the message that they

Pirlo also has cover because he features in the greatest midfield in the world.

Lets just tell masturbation stories, I didn't get caught, but when I was about 15 and in boy scouts, we had a 25 mile bike trip. Pretty much just took a couple hours on a saturday riding around some highways that no one used. I was a little slower than everyone else, so I found myself well behind the pack. Bike

Wow, Shannon Sharpe went from calling Gordon a "marijuana junkie," to befriending him in rehab.

Now playing

Never underestimate the power of the body blow.

As a PSG fan who knows very little about UFC or its fighters (and since I didn't look at the photo of the guy accompanying the article), I was initially very confused. Also probably didn't help that I just woke up from a nap so it took me a sec to realize that there was another famous Thiago Silva.

Brian Knobbs sees your hand, raises you a Nasty.

The only thing I'll even willingly admit here is 4 close friends and I were all engaged in various conflagrations of sexual congress, in the living room, when my roommate came home. He was quite taken aback, and also slightly annoyed, as he had just purchased the furniture we were all fucking on earlier that very

My god, I was half joking, but he literally just said the exact same thing and still doens't realize what's wrong with it.

I went to a strip club in Maryland about 8-9 years ago and she was there. When she came in the room it was a unicorn had flown in or something. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to see this big ol' woman making her way to the stage. It was obvious that every man was wondering if she was a man because

I've said it once, and I'll say it again:

The announcers are fantastic. I'd much rather listen to these guys scream excitedly in Japanese than listen to Joe Buck drone in English.

Wow... just wow man. If I knew my take on religion wouldn't cause a rupture in the space time continuum, I would express my deepest emotional hatred for Jesus loving, bible thumping, blinder wearing, self righteous sheeple... oh... well.. pardon me. I seemed to have carried on too far. If I could scream through text

It seems like the Mariners would be best served to move to a more central city, say in Oklahoma.

Tom, it's called the Cactus League for a reason.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I lived in London for about 6 months, and I had the opportunity to catch matches at all the major London stadiums, as well as an England Euro qualifer at Wembley. Until you go into a setting where people live, breath, and die with their colors—you can't possibly fathom the extent

It's real time combat, that plays out like a mix of a 3rd person shooter, and a traditional RPG, you have two AI controlled squad mates and can issue commands to them by pulling up an ability wheel, which temporarily pauses combat, giving you a chance to issue commands. Each ability has a cooldown. If you don't issue